touched by a spirit?

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One night, was at a friend's house. She was downstairs watching a movie, and the friend was upstairs playing video games. Feeling neglected, she fell asleep despite feeling deeply uncomfortable, like she was being watched.

She went back to sleep after asking her friend if he'd be coming to bed soon. When she woke again, it was to someone touching her face, saying "don't worry love, I'll be down soon." She disregarded it as a dream and went back to sleep. Then she was awoken again by the same voice saying "I know, I know, I keep using this excuse... I'm coming soon. I really do miss you."

This time, she knew something wasn't right. She got out of bed and searched the entire downstairs area, but found nothing. She heard snoring upstairs and knew her friend was sound asleep. Since it was now seven in the morning, she got ready and left for work

The next time they were together, she asked her friend if he'd been messing with her that night. He said no, but at that moment, a song came on the car radio that sounded exactly like the voice. She asked who the singer was, and he said it was his best friend's band. His best friend had been the lead singer but had committed suicide a year before. They'd lived together for awhile, and most of his stuff was still in the house. It appears that at least his dead ghost friend hadn't wanted her to be alone. 

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