Chapter 2 Erwin x Hanji

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Sasha put a hand to her mouth, squeaking quietly.

"So cute! Ship ship ship!" Connie was staring at her from the corner of his eye, his lips were tightened slightly.

"Anyway, Eren, it's your turn to dare someone." Eren cleared his throat, nodding, his voice was still strained from the previous events.

"I guess.. Um, Hanji?" Hanji eagerly leaned forward, batting her eyelashes a bit.

"Mhm, Eren-Chan?" She smiled widely, her eyes glossed over behind her clear glasses.

"I dare Hanji to.. Uhm.. Makeout with Erwin..?" Hanji's face went from bright and happy to wide-eyed and red-faced.

"What?! H-He's my Commander! I can't do that!"

Sasha held her stomach, and Connie joined, and they laughed together, making Hanji growl.

"Shut up!"

Erwin chuckled, using his pointer finger and middle finger to pinch the bridge of his nose. His own cheeks were light red.

"Oh, come on, Hanji. It's only one night, lets have fun with it!"

Hanji looked up at him, using her index finger to push up her glasses.

"But Sir, I-" Erwin collided their lips, his hand skimming her cheek. She inhaled deeply, her eyes widening for the first few seconds before she closed her eyes, her hand on the back of his head. His tongue slithered out of his mouth, licking her bottom lip to ask access to her mouth. She granted him the access, their tongues meeting and brushing before entwining.

Plentiful 'oos' were made as they continued. Sasha then tapped Erwin's shoulder, who opened his eyes and took his tongue back. He wiped his mouth, his cheeks a cherry red. He smirked, looking up at Hanji from his arm.

"We can finish that later if you'd like, Miss Hanji..~"

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