Chapter Thirteen

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Addy, pupper, and I talk over the weekend, mostly about 'certian' things, but usually nothing too major, usually me and pupper would gang up on Addy and tell her how adorable and cute she is.

She just tell us to shut up and blushes, usually our calls last about an hour or two, sometimes a bit after three hours.

Tuesday comes around, the usual stuff happens, me and Addy play around a bit before first hour, this time she's wearing my hoodie, she looks so cute in it as it's just a bit big on her.

We all split off and head our usual ways, Addy, pupper, and I go down the hall by the field house and up the stairs to the locker rooms we go.

When we get to the doors just about to enter the first floor, it's way too fucking packed to stand around. We all talked for a bit, and left

After a bit I told pupper that I'm going to walk with Addy to her class, it didn't seem like she heard me, so I just went to the third floor with Addy, once we got there her friends were outside her class room, goofing around, I tried to kiss Addy and go back to my class before I was late, and after a few tries since her friend wasn't having it, I finally kissed her and headed down to where me and pupper usually hang out before first hour.

"I was literally just about to go." Pupper said as I walked over to her.

We talked for a bit before first hour, and then the day went on as usual, boring ass classes leading to a grand sixth hour, since Addy is there of course, to the last two hours of school.

Forward to Wednesday, it was PSATs, Addy was in 126, pupper was in the basement, and I was in 311, just seeing the name reminded me of a song, the name of the band is 311, and it was the first song I heard from them.

As we all went to our classes, I said by to pupper as she went down to the basement and I kissed Addy as she went into her room, so I headed up to my room.

Once I got up there the teacher asked for an ID, I didn't have mine on me, nor was I told I needed one, the teacher said that I needed someone to verify that I'm, well, me.

I head back down the hall and try to find one of my old teachers, Mrs. G. From freshman year, should be up here still, she said 'hi' to me as I passed.

I didn't have to go all the way down the hall since I saw Mrs. M. She was my geometry teacher last year, she's pretty cool.

So once I was signed in, I saw my cousin, he was sitted a bit away from me, probably for the best though, we'd just be dicking around anyway if we were place too close together.

Nothing much of interest happened since it was just the psat, although I almost fell asleep at the end of section one, like damn that was boring. (Also since we were specifically told not to say anything about the test, during or after it, the answer to question ten, it's B.)

After the test was over I tried to find Addy by the room she was in, on my way over there I passed by J.M., she asked me where I was going, I told her I was going to see Addy, after a bit of walking to 126, J.M. kinda trails off and I go there alone, when I get there no one is in the room so I start to head outside to see if she went there, after a few minutes of waiting, I see Addy.

   I decided to wait with her at the school till she got picked up instead of taking the bus home, one because I didn't really want to go home anyway since for me home is just a bunch of bullshit, and two, the most important part, I stay because I want to be with Addy for as long as I can.

   About 20 or so minutes later her dad picks her up and I kiss her goodbye, once she leaves I head over to Jonny's house to hang out for a bit, well actually a while, like hours.

   Around about 6:30 my mom texts and I'm in trouble, I meant to walk home not too long after Addy left but I got lazy and just didn't want to go home, just before the text I was going to ask my aunt if she'd give me a ride home, obviously that didn't happen.

   *About an hour and a half later* my mom texts again "Hey I'm here, come out." ... Fuck, now I'm in for it, I grab my stuff and say bye to them, after we get home... "Why didn't you tell me that you got out early today or that you were at Jonny's?" My mom asked in an all too familiar tone.

   Not like you'd really care anyway, I just made some bullshit up, not like I could tell her the real reason I stayed back, that I wanted to stay with someone who at least seemed like they really cared, rather than going home and feeling like a disappointment to everyone there, so I just made up some bullshit.

   "Ok, well this is the last time, I told you this already, and recently too, the last time you went over to Jonny's and didn't tell me, so that's it, third strike, you're out." She said, making me feel more like shit then I already do when I'm here.

"Yeah, I get it, won't happen again." Most likely will but whatever, if it does I doubt it'd be for anything illegal, like come on, I'm too spiteful to prove you all right.

   Thursday comes and I'm freezing cold, even with blankets n' shit on, I stay in my room till it's time to go, about seven or so, I send Addy a good morning text and try not to think too much about what's outside my room, like family, pets, bullshit.

   It's finally time to go, to leave for school, to see Addy and pupper and the other people that I talk to.

   Once I get to school, I start for the normal spot that we hang out at before we split off for our classes, I wait there for a few minutes till the people I like start showing up, pastry puff and one other person show up first, pasty puff hugs me to prove a point to her friend, after a minute or two pupper shows up, not long after Addy comes too.

   The first thing Addy does after she hugs me is tickle me, she made me jump since I didn't expect it, pupper got involved as well, we started to mess around for a bit then headed off to class, not much happened, I didn't walk Addy to her class, I feel like I should have though... as usual pupper and I talk for a bit before first hour, im glad she isn't moving, she's been my longest friend in highschool, one of the few I actually trust and respect.

   After a while pupper and JC head off to the library to finish the psat from yesterday, I head for the locker room, they just told us to go to the main gym.

   We just took a short test for first hour, second hour we went over test questions, third hour nothing much happened, same for fourth and fifth, sixth was great since I get to see Addy, and goof around a bit with her. After that the next two hours kinda just suck, more so because they were just boring.

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