2yeon in a nutshell

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Q. When is a "no love" moment and "love" moment? [Question asked to Jeongyeon for Nayeon]

Jeongyeon: No love moment is when she is clingy to me. Love moment is when she sleeps. Then she doesn't cause problems and everything is quiet and peaceful.

This was during a radio show. The members spoke in a relay, which meant only one member spoke about another next to her. Nayeon said, "Can't we go the other way around?" If they had, she could have spoken about Jeongyeon. But they did not and she ended up hearing it from Jeongyeon instead. I really wish she could have had a chance. I feel she wanted to talk about Jeongyeon. I wanted to hear it!

Nayeon: [in another show, to Jeongyeon] Please love me more.

Nayeon: [in yet another show] Just be honest. I thought you didn't like me but you love me. You're just playing hard to get.

Jeongyeon: Meh

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