425 23 0

Haaa.... Nk ckp yg....

Author nk berterime kasih kepade readers sbb bce penpik author yg tk  seberape nih.... First first author nk buat ff nih author teragak agak nk buat ker tk nk... Nnti kalau buat tk de org yg nk bce... So... Author cube then... Ade jugak.... Author happy sngt then smpai sekarang... Author happy sbb dh smpai 1.16ribu org yg bce penpik author yg tk sebagus ff yg lain... Author akn buat kn ff author best untk dibace!! I promise!!!

Author rse nk tukar panggilan author dngn readers nih... Panjang sngt... So... Author tukar..... Urrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.......

Haaa.... Panggil author mira.. Just that anddd!! For readers lakk.. Urrmmmmm... Its hard..... Nk panggil ape ehh????

K... Mira dh wat keputusan yg.... Mira akn tukar readers kepade......
Candy..... Sbb..... Mira tngh pikir psl mkn... Second... Candy nih kn maksud dier kn gule gule... Gule kn manis... So.... It suit for all of you qho read my ff.... Semue nye muke cntik cantik belake kn!!! That why mira bgi nme candy tuh....

And.. Thanks for who vote this ff.... Thanks sesangat... And... The last
Saper yg silent candy nih.... Pliss... Komen jek.... Insyaallah mira balas komen tuh.... And.. Kalau nk tau ape ape psl mira.. Boleh tnye.... And... Sper nk mira promote ff dier... 5 org terawal... Lps 5 org... If ramai sngt yg nk mira promote, mira promote... Kalau ade belas kasihan dripade sayee~~~  the last one is.....

..andd annyeongggg

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