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Hey guys i'm back, with another story haha, so please don't be a ghost reader and please review your thoughts, I would LOVE to hear what you have to say xx


It was 6:00am and Jay was awake. He still had about 2 hours before he had to go for work. Which is why, as he was making his coffee, he was surprised to hear a knock on his door this early in the morning.

Wondering who in the world would be knocking at his door at this odd hour, Jay grabbed his mug of coffee and went to open the door. A woman stood in his doorway, clutching the hand of a four year old girl. The girl was clutching her stuffed lion as if her life depended on it.

"Are you Detective Jay Halstead?" the woman inquired.

"Uh yes," Jay replied still quizzical. "How can I help you?"

"I've been asked to give you this girl and-." The woman fumbled in her blazer pocket and pulled out a letter. "Along with this letter."

Jay could still not wrap his head around what was happening. "Excuse me?"

"Here. Everything you need to know is in that letter," the woman insisted, shoving the letter into Jay's rock-hard, muscular chest. She also gently pushed the girl towards him.

"Thank you. Goodbye," the woman murmured before hurrying off.

Jay scratched his head, now more than confused. What was he supposed to do with this girl? The letter, right.

"Hey, uh, do you want to come inside? It's a bit cold outside," Jay said softly to the little girl.

She just nodded shyly and entered the apartment. Jay closed the door behind her and led her to the sofa, where she just sat on the floor, pulling her knees up to her chest and cuddling her stuffed lion harder.

Jay had no idea what to do or say to her. So he decided to read the letter.

Dear  Jay,

4 years. It's been 4 years and I can no longer keep this to myself. If you're reading this, it means that what I suspected has happened...but let me start from the beginning.

I left Chicago, not because of the trouble I knew I would most certainly get into if I stayed, but instead, I left because I had to.  2 months before we broke up, I was diagnosed  with cancer. And I was pregnant. I knew it was your child of course as I am sure you now know too. I know I should have told you but I couldn't do it, Jay. You left me in the dark for years about your ex-wife, and I wasn't sure I could open up to you again. At least not in the same way I once did. So I took the easy way out by leaving. Maybe I was a coward but it doesn't matter now because if you're reading this, it means I'm dead. Cancer finally won.

But it's okay, Jay. I know you. I know how strong you are and I know you'll be okay without me. I know you've probably already found another girl. And you know what? I'm happy for you. Happiness is what you deserve. You're a good man, Jay Halstead. Which is how I know and have full faith that you can take care of our baby-girl, Amaya Camille Halstead. She's 4 years old. A bit shy but once she warms up to you, boy will she be a handful. Yeah I can honestly say she inherited your Halstead sass. She hates going to sleep without someone next to her. But once she falls asleep, it's definitely a deep one. Nothing can wake her up then. She loves eating pancakes, but I only ever gave that to her on the weekends. During the weekdays, it's mainly fruit, milk and yoghurt. She likes that a lot but she obviously prefers the pancakes, I mean who wouldn't?

Jay, I need you to know. My biggest regret was never having a child, or being with you. Because being with you, having YOUR child, well that's a blessing I will always cherish, even in death. My biggest regret, was never seeing how much potential we had as a couple and I only saw that after Amaya was born and I saw how beautiful she is. A bit late, I know. But being with you was worth it, even if you couldn't share your burden with me. I wish you had, I wish you knew I'd always have your back, but it's okay now...I need you to have Amaya's back now. I need you to love her more than I ever did. I need you to protect her, to show her how beautiful the world is, and to show her that love and trust are the biggest blessings in the whole world. I need you to be her father now, and I know you'll do just fine. I know you'll be a wonderful father to our little princess.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2019 ⏰

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