Episode 10 :New Friends, New Forms.

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In the last episode, Chris who managed to save and comes to Hanabi's aid manages to try and save Cosmog, but ended up falling down to the depths of the bridge or is it?


But before any of that happened a miracle soon came to be in the form of a Pokemon who came with Electricity surrounding it.

This Pokemon came and swatted the two Spearow with its arms and managed to rescue Chris and Cosmog from trouble.

Then the Pokemon laid them down after the crash and looked at them from a distance.

"Woah...." I wasn't expecting that to happen at all... who is this anyway?" Hanabi said.

"I don't have any idea of what just happened...but thank you for the save." Chris told the Pokemon.

"KOKOOOOOOO!!" The Pokemon said before darting off into the sky once again.

"We only saw it for a few seconds. That was a bummer though." Hanabi said. "But I'm glad you're safe Cosmog."


"I'm pretty sure My sister's would be mad at me if they found out that I lost you after I just found you." She said.

"True."Chris repiled.

"Come on let head back home and see What'd in store for us." Hanabi said going home with Cosmog in tow with Chris looking at the broken bridge.

"Bwark?" Popplio turned around to see it's Trainer.

"Oh. I'm sorry let's go." Chris said and heads back to the place the girls are staying for the time being.

Later....the two came into the apartment of the other girls on Hanabi' s team.

"I'm back everyone!" Hanabi came in.

"What took you so long?" A small girl came up to Hanabi.

"Ummm....we had a bit of a hold up." Hanabi repiled as the small Pokemon wandered about the place scaring the girl a bit.

"So this must be the creatures that at in this world now huh?" She said as she picked them up.

"Yeah. What do you think about it?" Chris asked.

"It's ok. And who are you I may ask?"

"I'm no enemy. My names Chris." He brought out his hand.

"Oh, good to know. My names Kafuru, a perfect woman in your eyes. Got it?"

"Perfect woman? All I see is a child saying she's a woman of all things." Chris said not seeing her point which made her mad later on.

"Ugh...really when will people start taking me seriously?" Kafuru said out of dismay.

"I don't know. Didn't Renka say you should be yourself already?" Hanabi reminded her.

"Nope. I'm not paying mind to her." Kafuru said back.

"Ok. If that's your way of doing things then fine I guess." Hanabi said petting Popplio.

"Bwark..." Popplio was kinda hungry.

"Oh ummm Hanabi, do you have any food here that we can eat? My Pokemon's hungry unfortunately." Chris said.

"Sure." Hanabi repiled going to the kitchen. "Follow me!"

Once there. They went to to the kitchen where Hanabi made some food for everyone to enjoy and Chirs talked about what Pokemon was with Hanabi and Kafuru.

"So that's what a Pokemon is....Pretty cool."

"Hey I have an idea!" Hanabi says getting up.

Chris was curious. "What's up?"

"How about you show us how to catch or maybe catch a Pokemon today?"

"I would love to but its late by now I think my parents would be worried."
Chris repiled.

"Don't worry I'm sure the girls wouldn't mind a boy in their house, right?" Hanabi said.

"Ummm....im not sure about that. But ok. If he's not a pervert I'm ok with it." Kafuru said.

"What do you mean!? I'm not a perv." Chris pouted.

"Well see about that."

"You still don't believe me?"

"Like hell I would."

The two looked at each other before Hanabi broke them up for crying out loud.

"Guys can we put aside the differences for now and make sure that Chris gets a good place to sleep for the night ?" Hanabi drags him away from her.

"It seems you might have feelings for the guy." Kafuru teased.

"What are you talking about?" Hanabi asked.

"Um.......you Like him."


"Now you done it!" Chris said grabbing Hanabi and sending her out of the house for her to explode outside before coming back in.

Popplio was super shocked.

"Kafuru. Really?"

"Sorry I couldn't help it you know. So Chris what are you gonna do now?" Hanabi said seeing as He had no where to go all this while.

"I'll think I'll stay here for the time being."

"That'll be nice also one thing you need to know...." Kafuru was leaving the area as she said this...


"Everyone here is a girl."

"Oh ......ok..." he blushes at the idea of the whole scene.

"Well I'll see you soon. Hope you don't get into any trouble of stuff like that. See ya." Kafuru said leaving.

"So what now?"

"I'll think I'll go to bed here." Chris said putting down his Pokeballs and lying on the couch.

"You could sleep with me."


"If you want to, I honestly don't mind." Hanabi suggested.

"Won't Kafuru have any supispcions about us?"

"She won't. She's been teased about as it is that's she isn't a woman."

"Oh yeah right....."

The two made up their way to her room and Chris slept in a beanie bag while Hanabi got her bed for herself.

This makes up and warps up this part. Next time we'll see a new form of Pokemon you'll see later.

And I'm actually gonna include Fakemon in this, not a lot. But some of them.

Looking forward to it.

Until then see you all next time.

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