It's A Klance Oneshot Ok

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Keith was pretty sure Lance had a depressive episode again. He's obviously dealt with it before, so now he was walking down his boyfriend's street with a grocery bag in hand, phone in the other.

Once he saw the lack of messages from Lance for the past four days, he knew what was going on. And he also knew what to do. He was going to love the fuck out of that motherfucker.

He wasn't surprised at the lack of response when he knocked on Lance's apartment door either, but he knew that if his boyfriend hasn't texted him for the past week lord knew that he was in no mood to bring in the spare key above the doorframe.

"Lance?" Keith called out into the cold apartment, the morning sun peering from behind each grey, blueish curtain.

Stepping forward into the apartment, he shrugged off his sneakers and hoodie, leaving them by the door. He put the groceries on the closest kitchen counter before exploring the apartment for any sight of his cuban boyfriend.

Walking through the hall that led through Lance's door, Keith simultaneously picked up candy wrappers and dirty laundry off the carpeted floor.

You see, his boyfriend was known for being a pretty charming and well groomed bloke, until the often periods of him cocooning in his bedroom. That's when his inner slob escaped and had his fun. There were a few other people that had the chances of seeing Lance's apartment littered with trash and the spirit of Lance's slob everywhere, but ever since him and Keith started dating it was mostly Keith. Keith knew how to deal with it best, as worded by their mutual friend, Allura.

Keith opened the navy blue door leading to Lance's room slowly, cautious about the fact that Lance could be sleeping, or whatever you'd call being painfully aware of your state of awakeness but being unwilling to move a muscle, still innerly hoping to fall asleep.

Insomnia was also a constant problem for the Cuban boy, for as long as he could remember. But during a depressive episode, he didn't really feel like taking his medication. He didn't really feel anything.

"Hey pussy." Keith greeted the pile of blankets as soon as laying eyes on it.

The blankets shuffled as a muffled groan escaped them.

"go 'way" Lance whined.

"No can do, pussy, " Keith sighed, pushing the blankets off the bed. "got shit scheduled today. " he bent down and kissed the temple of his fetus-posed boyfriend.

"ugh. Fuck off"

Keith let a laugh escape his lips as he struggled to push his boyfriend into a sitting position at the edge of the bed, taking a look at his arms, legs and and any part of skin, eyes scanning for cuts, bruises or burns.

"I'm not twelve asshole I didn't fucking cut myself." Lance whined but making no attempts at moving away.

"open wide"

"wow so fast I thought we'd at least have dinner first." Lance retorted, chuckling before complying.

Take your meds, pussy (KLANCE) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora