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2 weeks earlier...

"Tonight's 3 stars are, Didi Gregorious, Aaron Hicks, and Aaron Judge."

New York, New York began to play and the crowd sung along.

She grinned over at her sister Aurora and the other girls in the suite before looking up at the big screen to see her best friend since elementary.

People had always asked why they had never dated. Before she could say anything, he would always say that she was like a sister to him.

Literally a blow beneath the belt.

It killed her that he felt that way, but she pushed it aside and continued to be there for him no matter what.

So when he told her he was drafted by New York, she packed her stuff and moved to New York with him.

People thought they were dating then too, but yet again, Aaron had told them they she was just his best friend.

She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to see her sister.

"Are you okay?"

Looking over at the girls surrounding the new girl she shook her head.

"Not sure."

She continued to watch the other girls grill her about her and the guy she was seeing on the team.

"Everyone is grilling her about him. They're sticking up for you."

She smiled and looked back at the girl who had the one thing she wanted more than anything.

"I love those girls so much."

Later as they waited in the family room, they talked among each other just as the players began to come in. Children rushed to their parents and talked about how their fathers did.

Kelly and Taylor made their way over to them and hugged Gia and her sister tight.

That's when Gia noticed Aaron come in. She went to stand and then froze as she watched him go towards the girl in the corner.

Her name was Blake, according to some of the other wives and girlfriends she knew.

She hugged Kelly and almost broke when Kelly leaned down to whisper into her ear.

"He doesn't look at her the way he looks at you, and I'm not the only one who thinks so."

She kept watching as he lifted a hand to cup the girls cheek and push her hair away before kissing her forehead.

She flinched and turned away from the scene. That's when she looked up to see G and Didi looking at her.

She smiled softly and the two men and gave them each a hug.

"You guys played well. Nice play in the 5th."

G stepped forward and threw his arm around her shoulder.

"Your better than her Gia, way better."

She rested her head on G's shoulder before letting a sigh out.

Letting go, Gia and her sister said goodbye to the guys. She noticed Aurora give Greeny

a small smile.

She raised her eyes to her sister, about to comment when two arms wrapped around her waist and lifted her up into the air.

Letting out of breath of air she looked down and froze when she saw Aaron.

He set her down and kissed her forehead and nose before he ran his hand through her hair.

"Hey you."

She smiled softly at him and leaned in.

"Caro. You played awesome today. So proud of you."

Pulling away he looked behind him and motioned his head forward.

"Aaron, I need to talk to you."

However, he didn't hear her.

He moved around her, grabbed the girls hand and smiled.

"Gia this is Blake. Blake this is Gia."

Blake smiled at her.

"Nice to meet you, I've heard so much about you. Aaron cares about you so much."

She smiled at her, even though she felt her body start to sway and her knees give out.

Before she could speak however, G and her sister saved the day.

G used his free arm and wrapped it around her.

"Alright Gia ready to head out."

"Your going with G? I thought we were gonna..."

G spoke first, cutting him off.

"Ya, and besides man you were talking about how Blake was here. Take her home then you can catch up. Now if you'll excuse us, I have to take the two hottest chicks in the room home."

As soon as they made their way out to the G's car, Gia looked out the window and let one single tear fall.

And that's when Giavana Russo had finally broke.

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