Safe at Last?

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I have a very important question at the end that needs answers! Please don't run away before then.

The group ran for several hours without stopping until they reached the edge of the woods.

The headache that been slowly but surely growing in Tara's head had only worsened due to the extensive excursion and the lack of water.

The bandage on her forehead was now damp with sweat and blood.

When they came to the creek Taranor quickly knelt down by the water and splashed her face with the cool water before taking a quick drink, the water was refreshing as it rushed down her throat and dropped from her hot head.

"Hurry!" Aragorn yelled from across the creek and with a groan and protesting limbs Tara stood and followed everyone across the clear water.

The group entered the trees, the shade offering a cover from the sun that had beaten down on them since they left Moria.

Tara let out a sigh of relief despite the fact she had always feared these woods. Her brothers had filled her head with stories of an evil Witch who lived here and despite her books about the Woods of Lothlorien she believed them.

Her hand never left the hilt of Faramir's sword, her eyes bounced across the never ending trees as she felt as though someone was watching them.

"Stay close young Hobbits," Gimli whispered, or tried to since she could hear him from the back of the group, "They say a great Sorceress lives in these woods. An Elf-Witch, of terrible power. All who look upon her fall under her spell and are never seen again."

Taranor chuckled, that was the exact story her brothers had told her. Apparently, the Dwarves told their children the same.

"Well here's one Dwarf she won't ensnare so easily! I have the eyes of a hawk and the ears of a fox." Gimli continued but apparently his words were far from true as Taranor came to a sudden halt, an arrow pointed directly at her left eye.

Boromir glanced back at his little sister to see her hand gripping her sword and he shook his head ever so slightly, telling her not to do anything stupid. Of course Taranor did not have a death wish, she knew better than to fight against the Elves, they were far superior to her in combat and she would surely lose so she dropped her hand from her sword.

"The Dwarf breathes so loudly, we could have shot him in the dark." An Elf said as he stepped forward, a taunting smirk etched on his face. He was fair, like all Elves, with light blonde hair that Taranor was envious of and a tall figure that towered over her, his eyes were a sharp grey like a double-edged sword. He was an intimidating sight, almost more than the Balrog.

The Elves took the Fellowship deeper into the woods and far up into the trees where they stood on a platform that overlooked the ground below them.

Taranor sat between Merry and Pippin, her eyes never leaving the Elf, Haldir, who had spoken before, he appeared to be the leader of the small band of Elves.

Aragorn and Legolas stood away from the group speaking in Elvish with Haldir, luckily a language Tara could understand.

"Welcome, Legolas, son of Thranduil." Haldir spoke, Legolas nodded in greeting.

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