Chapter 8: Ungeek Yourself 101

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That party was a disaster, Hanna thought as she pulled the item she stole from Kate out of her purse. They were adorable Jimmy Choo sunglasses that she could only imagine wearing, but her face was much to puffy for them. The party was over so fast since the cops came, it wasn't even past dinner and she was starving. However, after looking at the lumps of fat in undesirable places, Hanna decided she wasn't very hungry after all. She decided to take a walk to to get rid of the fat. Maybe the next day she would start working out too. Hanna hated the idea of walking into a gym being the fattest there. Not only was she already a loser, she would become an even bigger loser especially if Ali ditched them. Hanna needed to be the one who ditched Ali. 

Looking at herself in the mirror she said, "I'm Hanna and i'm fabulous." 

Instantly she felt better. She even forgot about the text she got from an anonymous sender. What could this "A" texter know anyway. It was probably someone drunk trying to mess with them. Hanna thought snidely. Then again, how did this person get all four of the our cell numbers? Unless it was Cece? Maybe she saw me steal the glasses and played a little prank? Hanna comforted her worried brain with that thought. Cece was wild and she would definitly do that. 

"Hanna?" A familiar voice called from the distance, tearing Hanna away form her thoughts. 

Hanna turned around to see who it was. She wasn't surprised to see the loser Mona Vanderwal. Mona was a total geek with glasses and nerdy outfits who constantly vied for the girls' attention. What now? she thought exasperated. Can't anyone take a walk peacefully in Rosewood, Pennsylvania? Quickly she hurried on, not bothering to answer "Loser Mona." 

"Not it," she muttered and chuckled. Whenever the girl's were stalked by Mona and other losers at school, they said, "Not it!" Whoever said it last had to hang out with them for the rest of the day. Naturally, they all said it at the same time. 

"Wait Hanna, please.." Mona called again. 

Exasperated, Hanna turned around wondering why Mona wasn't going away. Mona walked over to her and smiled hesitantly. 

"Um i was just wondering if those shoes you're wearing are the same one's I saw in Vogue's latest edition?" Mona asked nervously.

As a matter of fact they were. Hanna was surprised Mona guessed it. She must not be the only one who studied fashion magazines like crazy and could spot a name brand ten miles away.  

"Yeah they are.." Hanna responded.

Mona smiled, "I have a ton of those magazines at my house and a 1000 dollar shopping spree check from winning a contest online." 

This perked Hanna's interest.

"A 1000 dollar shopping spree check?" She asked cautiously.

"Yeah." Mona replied.

"Why are you telling me this?" Hanna asked suspiciously.

"I need a shopping and make over partner. You going on a nightly stroll showed me you want a little change in your life too?" 

Hanna could barely make the words out, she was so excited. Instead, she just bobbed her head a couple times causing Mona to laugh.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow at 12:00?" Mona asked.

"Definitly." Hanna was so excited.

"Cute glasses by the way!" 

"Oh um thanks.." Hanna replied nervously.

Hanna muttered a lame excuse to why she needed to head home. When she got home, she dashed up to her bedroom and looked at the pink flowers on her white wall wondering if anyone else saw her take the glasses. Suddenly her phone beeped and Hanna was pretty sure she knew who was texting. Hands shaking, she picked her phone up and pressed "read." 

 Looks like you have a bad case of sticky fingers Han! Don't worry, I'll keep your little secret if you play my little game. At exactly 12:00, pick up Hefty Hanna's order at the nearest cupcake shop and do what the note says or else! Sweet dreams little piggy!

                                Kisses, -A

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