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"Okay okay we have an unconscious boy in our arms!"

{A very pretty unconscious boy in our arm}

[Oh yeah I agree with yellow this time! He is probable jailbail ya know but that's the fun about it]

"You guys make us look pervants"

{Not our fault that you are old Wade}

The man shook his head to make the voices to shut the fuck up and took the kid outside.

"Hi kid,are you okay?"

The younger man opened slowly his eyes and looked at him

[You scared the kid off asshole!]

{Yeah look at him! Look how he is looking at you, you ugly ass!}

[How could he not looking at him,with that face]

'Okay guys,I got it'

"Emmmm" Wade rubbed his neck "I am really sorry for scarring with that ugly face of mine! It was my f-" he laughed awkwardly and try to avoid the boys gaze

"Oh!OH NO! I am so sorry I didn't mean to stare and it was really rude!You saved me back there and I was rude to stare but It was not because you are ugly...Basically the opposite"

He whispered under his breath the last part and blushed



"Ummm I am sorry...I-I didn't want to make you feel aw-"

"No wait! You mean like...You don't scare me at all? Not wanna vomit or run away or something?"

{Okay that was unexpected! The kid must hit his head really bad}

[We should take him to the hospital if he thinks that we are not ugly]

"No I mean you have some scars okay but you are really fine"

"Wow, thanks baby boy"

The boy blushed even more

{Is that even possible}

[Whatever I don't believe him]

{I believe him,he is far too nerd and adorable to lie to us}

[Yeah he is adorable but think about his blood in our wall! That could be far more adorable]

{Yeah think about his screams}

[The noises of that kissable mouth]

'Okay shut the fuck up or I am gonna kill myself'

{We won't die}

'Yeah but you will shut up for a while'

"Sooo....W-What's your n-name?"

{Wow look how awkward he seems}

[Yeah wade make him awkward and uncomfortable]

'Please can you stop talking for damn five minutes?'


Has llegado al final de las partes publicadas.

⏰ Última actualización: Oct 11, 2018 ⏰

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