Chapter Ten

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Waking was an iffy proposition. Part of me was sure I was moving and not of my own accord and that this was wrong because my last conscious memory was of the world going dark as I lay against the cool glass of the tower. Another -smaller- part of me said that this was actually what I wanted…even if I couldn’t remember what exactly “this” was.

Then the siren blared and I was suddenly wide frigen awake.

Gut reaction had me sitting up ridged straight in my seat as I pulled my magic into my hands ready to destroy whatever was threatening me. Only I didn’t get very upright because there was a seatbelt holding me down. Then there was the pain as the seatbelt dug into my fleshy parts as the car jerked to a halt…lots and lots of pain.

Tree spirit. Home-run swing. Capturing ward. Another swing to the body. Blackness taking over. Goddess punishment…how nice it was for my memories to come back in such quick succession to remind me why even my fingernails hurt.

“Jesus!” a voice to my left exclaimed, “What the hell?”

Defenses on high alert I was already halfway through my swing when the Juicy tracksuit-clad figure registered to my brain. She held up a large leather something between us, allowing my spellfire punch to incinerate her briefcase rather than any of her creamy pale complexion.

“Damn girl, that was a seven-hundred dollar bag!”

“Goddess Kelly I’m sorry,” I rambled off as I pressed that same hand against my forehead as I swooned, the use of magic taking its toll instantly on my already taxed body. “I…I…just…”

“Reacted, I get it. No harm done…except maybe to the deposition I had in there, but never you mind that,” she waved it off quickly, “you’re awake so…so that’s definitely worth it.”

She was freaked out, that was obvious, but whether it was because of what I had done or if she finally figured she was in over her head I didn’t know and honestly didn’t feel like asking right now. No, this moment was all about me and the mess I had made of both myself and my life.

My blood loss had stemmed somewhere along my ride in this…BMW? Meh, not bad, though it made me all that much happier that I had requested the towels stuffed beneath me so I didn’t stain the pale grey leather. The pink terry cloth only looked dirty though, not bloody, so I guess the damage wouldn’t have been too bad. I patted around my pants and found my cell phone, Kelly quickly pulling my wallet from the center console before I could ask if that had made it, my boots were off but a quick glance into the backseat of the coupe and I saw them sitting atop another pile of pink fluff. That was all I had taken with me on my hunt besides the clothes on my body, which, despite their deteriorated state, were somehow still attached. I didn’t question Lucifer’s absence either since I was sure he had taken off for home the moment he spotted Kelly coming for me.

She watched me through the entire process without saying a word, her body turned towards me in a –rightfully –defensive manner in her driver’s seat.

“I promise, I won’t swing at you again.” I mumbled.

“I’m not worried about that, well I am,” she corrected herself, “but really I’m just waiting for you to pass out again. You’ve come around and gone out a couple of times now.”

“I have?” Shit, this was the first moment I could remember since the park. “Did I say anything?”

“Plenty. But not a whole lot that actually made sense, a lot of mumblings and one word sentences.”

Dammit Shadows, what did you do?

It had to have been them that had been conversing with Kelly, the one word answers and lack of clarity on my part their calling card.

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