Chapter one Hes a what now?

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Ryan pov
Welcome To another day at daycare.!!!  I scream,  as I walk through the entrance and run upstairs.  I see everyone shouting at Sabre so I walk up and say "What's going on here? " "Just take a look at his face", Unicornman says. "What do you mean" I ask. "Just look" Gold says in a scared voice.  I look over at sabre to see him hiding his face or more spifically his eyes and mouth.  "Sabre what is going on. " sabre doesn't answer but looks down.  "Sabre show me what's wrong. " I say loudly,  and he immediately obeys.  I gasp,  "Sabre why do you have fangs and why are your eyes red. "I question.        He mumbles something.  "Say it again louder. " I'm a vampire.  He states sadly.  "Wait,  wait,  wait hanging on how can you be a vampire",  I say shocked.  "My father is a vampire my mother is his mate.," he says.  "Wait so you've been a vampire this entire time and you didn't tell us!?! " tina says. Ops I think I forgot she was there oh well.  " no he says I only recently became one. " Tony walks over and says "hold on aren't vampires supposed to be evil and drink blood. " "no vampires have a human mate who offers their blood to keep them stated." "Until then I drink from blood bags that are about to expire. " "How do You find you mate"?  I ask curiosly.  "There is a scent thing that smells like you mate when you sniff it he explains.  Oh ok i say.  Well Lets go play a game.  So we go to the portal.  As we play I think about all the info I just learned.  We leave and I go home and fall asleep. 

Sabre's a what now. (discontiuned but will be rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now