Chapter Six

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I turned around slowly unsure of who it could be.

"Liam! Hey! How are you?!" I screamed over the loud club music as I hugged him 

"I'm good it great to see you guys again! Hey Dev!" he said as he moved to Devan to hug her.

"Liam this is my best friend, Meghna!" I said as I introduced the two of them

Meghna's face dropped

"Hey babe, I'm Liam" He introduced himself as went to hug her

I could tell by the look on her face that she was completly fangirling inher head right now. I mean could you blame her? Liam fucking Payne was right in front of her. She managed to sqeak out a small "Hi"

"What are you guys doing here?! We haven't seen you since we hung out after the Ellen show." He expressed

"Were here for Steph's birthday, this was her gift from her parents!" Devan told he

"Yeah thats right your birthday was yesterday! Happy Birthday again!" He said cheerfully

I thanked him as he contiued to tell us how excited he was to see us.

"I can't believe you guys are here!" he smiled "I have to get the other lads they'll be so excited!" He said as he walked off to find the other boys

"Hey Megs, you alright?" I asked smirking

"I just met Liam Payne, I just met Liam Payne" She said as she repeated it to herself

"Get pumped girl, you're going to meet all of One Direction" Devan told her matter of factly

Liam then returned with the rest of the boys, they all had smiles across their faces.

Niall came up to me first. "Hey Steph!" He said with a big smile on his face as he gave me a huge hug

"Hey, now its a party!" Louis said energentically walking to give Devan and I a hug

"Hey guys! What are you doing here?" Zayn questioned as too then hugged us

"Guys this is my friend Meghna!" I told the boys 

They all introduced themselves and hugged her. She was a little overwhelmed but was very excited.

"Where's Harry?" I asked the boys

Before anyone could answer Harry appeared.

"What are you guys doing here?!" He yelled over the music with a smile on his face bringing out his dimples. "I missed you!" He said as he hugged me tightly and bringing me off the ground a bit.

"I'm here for my birthday, I didn't have a chance to tell you, I just found out last night and we got here literally two hours ago." I practically screamed 

"I'm glad you guys are here" He said softly in my ear with a big smile on his face

"Let's blow this popsicle stand!" Devan screamed 

We all agreed the club was getting too crowded and decided to head back to the hotel. We walked out to the front of the club to make sure everyone was there.

"Hey where's Perrie?" Zayn asked all of us

Devan, Meghna, and I along with the rest of the boys laughed

"Ha-Ha so funny guys." Zayn said angrily 

"Well someone's an angry elf." I said 

Devan and I were notrious to quoting lines from movies. It was kinda our thing. Devan laughed realzing what I had said.

"Ignore him, he's so annoying when it comes to be out in public with her."

"What do you mean?" I asked curiously

"I'll explain later." Harry told me

Zayn had came back with Perrie. Ever since I heard about their relationship it made me cringe. The first thing that would always come to my mind was "What an odd couple".  There was paparazzi everywhere. Harry had warned us in the club to stay close to at least one of them leaving. Zayn then returned out of the club with Perrie, he didn't even introduce us, rude. Zayn looked around at all the paparazzi before kissing Perrie goodbye and getting into the cab with us. Gag me with a spoon. 

We arrived at the hotel and quickly made our way inside to our room. We all plopped on the couch. All the boys were completly hammered, even Liam. Last summer he had found out that his kidney had fixed from when he was a baby. He didn't drink all the time when the boys were out but today he had alittle too fun. We all decided to watch a movie. A classic. Mean Girls. This was Devan and I's favorite movie, we would always find ways to quote it to each other. We sat on the couch all snuggled up. Harry and I sitting next each other, then Meghna and Niall, Louis and Liam, and Devan and Zayn both sat on chair pulled up to the couches. 

The movie had later ended. We all moved on to talking about the night and how each other had been since we had last seen each other. We even all opened up to telling some of our deepest secrets.

"I still can't get over that you guys are fans and are so calm and our friends." Zayn said as his words slurred

Devan, Meghna, and I just laughed at how drunk the boys were they had no idea what they were saying/telling us.

"This is weird, but I actually don't like when people touch my knees." I said confidently hoping the boys wouldn't laugh

Harry then tried to grab my knee as I hit him up side the head

"Ouch" Harry said as he whined

"Aw is the little baby ok?" I said in a funny voice, squeezing his cheeks

He laughed along with everyone else.

"I hate when people touch my neck." Devan said "And I swear if any of you bitches touch me, I'll kill you." She said matter of factly

"Meghna what about you?" Niall questioned

"I touch people's wenis', I'm a freak I know." She said not caring what the boys thought

"Hey guys, wanna hear my secret?" Zayn questioned still slurring his words

We all nodded curious what he would possblitly say.

"Mangament is making me date Perrie for publicity." He said letting out a little giggle


End of Chapter Six! Comment/Fan/Vote ! Let me know what you think, please don't be afraid, I want to know what you think! Thanks for reading :)

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