Chapter 2

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When I got in home room Issa was talking to that hoe . I gave him the death stare. He texted me that he lovesand I texted him then why he fucked that bitch and he was like because you havenr fuck me and sombody had to take my v card away. I texted him its over and saud good he found a new girl. I went to all my classes And when I got my lunch I told my friend everything George was speaking in spanish I didnt know what the fuck that nigga was saying and tenderly said he was get HIV she just made my day.After I finished all my classes I went to dance practice. I had a sole and a duet for this weeks starbound compentition.When I got home I could here my parents fucking eww they were so loud my mom was like Aww drake faster faster and drake was like Come suck on thos.long dick bit I didnt hear nothing else While I was walking to my roomy mom came out her room she smelled like weed and sex gross. When I went into my room tenderly to me she broke up with mark cause she caught him having sex with one of the school hoes I guess they just tacking errbody man.

Tendrly told me that she was officialy gay now I rolled my eyes she stupied I just went to sleep this is the worst day I had in years.

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