Neighsay's Threat

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Tempest and Twilight snapped out of it when the door slammed open,revealing Chancellor Neighsay and the guards ."Good work,Princess.Now,arrest her!" Neighsay shouted.Twilight turned to Tempest and whispered "Claim sanctuary.".Tempest glared at her.Twilight whispered "Say it!".

Tempest said "You tricked me.",outraged.Neighsay said impatiently "I'm waiting,Princess.".Twilight turned around and said "I am sorry,sir.She claims sanctuary.There is nothing I can do.".Neighsay then shouted "Then drag her outside and-".He was interrupted by Princess Luna,who shouted "Neighsay!You will not touch her!".

Princess Luna put a hoof on Tempest's shoulder as she said "Don't worry.Neighsay learned years ago to respect the sanctity of the church.".Neighsay glared at her,and the guards turned to leave.When he saw nopony was looking,he hid behind a pillar.When Gallus kept on kicking Twight to make sure she was away from his only friend,Twilight yelled "Alright!Alright!I'm going!".Tempest chuckled to herself,but gasped in pain as Neighsay grabbed her foreleg and twisted it behind her back.

Tempest tried to escape his grasp as she grunted in pain.Neighsay told her "You think you've outwitted me,but I am a patient stallion,and gypsies don't do well behind stone walls.".He stopped,and breathed deeply,smelling Tempest's red mane,which smelled like cinnamon.Tempest asked "What are you doing?",disgusted. "I was just imagining a rope around that beautiful neck." Neighsay said ,caressing her neck with his hoof.

Tempest pulled away,and said "I know what you were imagining!",trying to hide her fear.

Neighsay said "Such a clever witch.So typical of your kind to twist the truth to cloud the mind with unholy thoughts.".Tempest's gaze turned into a frightened expression as he got closer to her.Neighsay began to walk away as he said "Well,no matter.You've chosen a magnificent prison.But it is a prison nonetheless.Step one hoof outside,and you're mine!".He then slammed the door,leaving Tempest frightened for her life.

He then slammed the door,leaving Tempest frightened for her life

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