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10 years ago

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

   I lay there, in the dark ally way my parents left me in. I was only 5 years old, but they hated me. Mainly because of my quirk. It allowed me to transform into any material that I have touched within 24 hours. The weird thing was, both my parents were quirkless, so my dad jumped to concludes. In the end, I was kicked out.

   "My my, aren't you pathetic." A deep voice muttered behind me. I turned around to see a man with light blue hair and hands covering his whole body.

   "If you want to kill me, then do it. I want to die..." I stated, his crimson eyes widening at my statement. He walked over to me, nealing down to my level.

   "What's your quirk, kid?" He asked.

   "Alter Element. I can become any material that I have touched within 24 hours." I respond in a hushed tone. He laughed and picked me up.

   "You will be a great addition to our ranks." The man smirked as he walked into a portal. We were now in a bar like place that reeked of alcohol.

   "Oh and uh what's your name, kid?" He asked.

   "(Y/N)..." I say coldly. He chuckled at your sour attitude.

   "Well (Y/N), welcome to the league of villains."

A villains love (Bakugou x villain reader)Where stories live. Discover now