Chapter 1

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Present day

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

   "Hey, its time to wake up!" Shouted one of my comrades.

   "Fuck you, let me sleep," I respond, turning myself away from the doorway where my comrade stood. He groaned and tore the blanket away from me. I jumped up and put him in a chokehold.

   "Don't EVER do that again, understand?" I whisper, getting a nod in response. After I released him from my hold, he explained that the 'boss' wants me to interrogate there new prisoner. I got dressed, brushed my hair, and made my way down to the basement.

   In the basement sat a high school boy, with a black mask and large grenade glove things. His ash blond hair was spiky and his angry eyes were crimson red. I stared at him with a bored look on my face.

   "THE HELL YOU LOOKIN' AT!?!" He shouts at me. I smirked as I walked closer to him, playing with the knife in my hand.

   "So the hero boy has an attitude? How cute." I hum.

   "SHUT UP AND DIE!!!" He screamed well shooting large explosions from his hands. I casually make myself diamond my touching the ring I always wair. Finally, he quit and let the smoke clear.

   "Yea' done? I have questions for yea'." I say, turning back to normal. He stared at me in shock.

   "How the hell did you save yourself?"

   "That doesn't matter. What's your name kid?" I asked, still grinning. He stayed quiet. I dropped my smile.

   "Hey. Answer me when I ask a question. I don't like to repeat myself." I growl, running the dull side of my knife along his jawline.

   "K-katsuki Bakugo." He stutters out. I lift the knife away from his face with a smile.

   "Good hero. Now Katsuki, I was told to make you a villain. If you agree now, it will make life so much easier for both of us." I say with a hint of sass in my voice. The color drained from Katsuki's face. His face goes dark as he lets out a small laugh.

   "Like hell, I will! I'm gonna be the best hero, not some god dame villain. Besides, what could you do if I say no!" He shouts. Before he could continue his rant, I kicked him in the chest causing him to fall back in his chair. I kneel down next to him, knife at the side of his face.

   "Wrong choice," I say flatly, gliding the knife all the way from his forehead to his chin. As he screamed, I let out a soft laugh. I hoist the chair back up and walk to the door.

   "I'll be back tomorrow to see if you've changed your mind. Bye." And with that, I left. 'I will get him to be a villain. I must.'

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