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Phoenix's Pov
As we got home I went to to take a bath and got dressed Mayla said,"Hey Phoenix is it okay if we can watch something scary." she then began to chuckle a little it's not the sweet chuckle it's more like a I know your scared chuckle I said,"y-yeah S-sure." she already knew I don't watch scary movies scene I'm not into that stuff like gore and jump scares and also DUN DUN DUNNN clowns (sorry had to put that in XD) I went downstairs to see Metal in the kitchen making popcorn I then went behind Metal and said,"BOO!" he then yelled and fell on his side I started to laugh and fell on my back laughing he said,"I will get you,i will get you." I went back inside of the living room and sat on the couch hugging a black and white wolf plush with green eyes Mayla sat on the chair and I heard a knock on the door I opened it and was tackled by a fox,and a boobuk (if you don't know what that is it's a type of baby owl) they both started to laugh and turned human I saw that the fox was kai and the boobuk was Kezzie my old friends that I met with when I was in the woods back then trying to find my brother kai said,"hi Peppermint it's nice to see you again." Kezzie said,"yeah it's been a while how is the family going." I stayed quiet when she said that and I looked down Kezzie hugged me and so did kai Kezzie said,"I'm so sorry pep." Mayla said,"who's pep and who's peppermint?" kai said,"oh she is we just call her that because we met her and her parents called her Pepper." Mayla said,"so her real name is Pepper?" I say,"no my parents call me Pepper because my hair is black just like it and because I don't sneeze because of the smell." Kezzie says,"hey don't forget about you being close to your brother because salt can never be complete without pepper." Metal comes in and says,"so her brother had white hair while she had black,thats why her nickname is Pepper and her brothers nickname is Salt."they both nod their heads yes and come in we all sit on the couch and Mayla just had to put on the movie IT

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