Halloween kill me oh boy

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It's Friday.
I'm writing this on my phone.
I want school over forever.
This week is fine, though. I got tests next week that I should actually study for and oh boy now an essay YAY
It's funny, though. I really never used to study.

E n d i n g
m y
l i f e.

Anyway... Halloween?
I plan on being Red Riding Hood. I'm trying to get this costume on eBay. Eep. I trust it, though. I did research on the costume and it seems it'll work.  It's actually very cute, though.

Also, I was also interested in doing some spoopy makeup. I was watching some tutorials for some looks and they usually follow the lines of using some sticky latex or something with tissue paper to create a fleshy look with the blend of like flesh colors and fake blood. Some face paint, too.
I'm just... I don't know if I have anything like that and Im broke so broke tbh. Ugh.

I might just have mascara and lipstick... But, it'd be cool to have a fucking gash on my neck AT SCHOOL : ). Hell yeah.

But, the only reason I'm hooked up on something... I don't know... Spooky and cool is because I was invited to a Halloween-themed gender reveal party by my mom's friend.
I've never been to a gender reveal party, actually. I've only seen stuff on YouTube where they have confetti or color cake with a revealing color.

But, it'd be fun, and I want to go. There will be c h i l d r e n and people my age, but I like children more tbh. It's going to be a long day if I DO go, though.
I'll be waking up early at like 5 am to go to a meet for JROTC... I'll be done with that by 3, and then there's the party later that evening.

Oof. Long day. I'm hoping grades close soon so that I won't have to worry tooo much : )

God, though..  I don't know what I'm doing Halloween. I'm not sure if I want to go trick-or-treating or not. Free candy but I have to walk?
Hbbgh okay. I need a life.

Please, let me go home, though.
I'm in my AP Language class right now, and... we're not exactly doing anything today. She's letting people finish a test and the rest like "do whatever". That pertains to doing homework and being quiet.

: ) im reading a book from my teacher's "library". And, it's interesting. It's not really a story genre I'm very interested in, but, the style is nice. It's called "Sister Slam and the  Motormouth Road". It's written like poetry. I'm skimming through the 200 pages and the entire story is written like a poem... which I find unique. It's very casual, too.
I've gotten to "chapter" four and it's a pretty easy read. It'd probably take me a day or two maybe to read it. It's about this girl who has just graduated high school who goes on a roadtrip with her friend to enter this poetic competition so that she can possibly win an award to go to a university for doing what she loves to do. Although, of course, everything goes wrong on their drive there.
Teenagers driving? Well, we all going to die. I don't trust cars or my friends my age so bang bang.

They hit a pig and that no good because farmer is madd.

Oof, though.
I am dying. My art is due today and literally it's horrible.
Remind me not to paint l a s t m i n u t e.

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