Part 12

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I went and sat on my roof, and looked at the stars. I don't want to live, yet I'm perfect.

I hate my body, yet I'm hot

I hate my imperfections, even know they are beautiful

I seem to think the wrong things about myself, but then when someone else thinks the same thing, I defend myself.

I'm weird, and I like it.

I saw Taylor out f the corner of my eye, sit next to me.

"Hey, you alright?..." He said to me

"I'm fine. just deep thoughts." I replied

"Like what?" He said

I looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

"PWEASEEE" he said, doing puppy dog eyes

"Fine..." I mumbled

I told him everything and we just sat there in silence for about 10 minutes.

"You know, if you were ugly, or fat or not one bit perfect, I would still love you. You are yourself and you are crazy. You are you, and nobody can change that." He said

I kissed him

"I love you so much" I said

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