Chapter 23- Merry Christmas!

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Roman's POV

IT'S CHRISTMAAAAAAAAAAAAS! (eve) I LOVE CHRISTMAS! The presents, the cookies, the tree, the lights, the plays, the family, you gotta love it! I have a song planned and a secret Santa and Patton's gonna make dinner and cookies and Logan's gonna read a story and Virgil's something?

We started the song and I was generous to let Virgil have the first line but then he wouldn't sing and they kept on changing the lines and IT WAS ALL FALLING APART!!!

Maybe I would have more luck with the secret Santa.

Virgil's POV

Now that the song was over, we could do the secret Santa: something I was not looking forward to.
Oh, c'mon Virgil, it's the thought that counts.

"GUYS! It's time for the secret Santa!" Patton was such a child on Christmas. Well, more like a child.
"We're right here, okay? Virgil, I had you so I thought an appropriate gift would be this gift card for some audiobooks you could listen to with those large headphones that you own to calm yourself in moments of excessive alarm,"
I was taken aback. How thoughtful.
"Oh, that's......that's alright, I guess,"
"Okay, Logan, I had you,"
"No, that's not how secret Santa works,"
"So I decided to write you a 400 page screenplay about you partnering up with Sherlock Holmes to solve his greated mystery yet,"
He handed him a huge book with a laughable cover but I managed to compose myself.

"Roman.....I mean, the cover's ridiculous, but I'm very intrigued,"
"Yeah. In it, Watson just fricking dies, and you take his place,"
"I always thought Sherlock was too good for him. He was always like, 'Sherlock, I've got feelings'. I mean, who can relate,"
"Well I had you, Roman," Patton said.
"Oh, goodie!"
"I made you some pasta!"
"Oh? Thank you,"
"You know what the secret ingredient is?"
"And cumin,"

He got really excited as he eagerly looked at me.
"And that means Virgil has me!"
How could you not love him? I was freaking out, all of,their presents were so good. Patton would be so disappointed.

"Ugh. Mine is stupid. Everyone else's was so good,"
"Now, Virgil you know whatever it is I'm gonna love it!"
"A gift is a," he started chocking on his pasta, "is a gift."
"Redundant, but Roman's not wrong,"
"I......made you this card. I'm sorry for not doing more,"
I threw the card at him, my whole body shaking.

"Oh, oh, oh. You know I'm not good at catching things," he looked down to the card with a confused look. The same look I had.

Patton's POV

Virgil threw me a card and I looked at it very confused. It read:

You make me wanna die....

Hmmm....not very nice.

....of laughter.
Best friends,

I started laughing an uncontrollable laugh and said,
"Oh, I love it!"
"Well....good," he said giving me the thumbs up.


Later on, I made a little feast for us, nothing too big, we needed to save room for the actual Christmas. While we were eating, Logan read 'A Christmas Carol' and it made all of us cry, even him.

Then whilst we were eating cookies, we were watching 'The Santa Clause'. Then Virgil had a little surprise for us. He had wrote some beautiful poetry that surprised Logan: Logan!

Then we opened up one present each. I got a unicat onsie from Roman, Logan got a new puzzle book from Virgil, Roman got a little crown Logan and Virgil got a MCR hat from me.

Roman then started to dose off on Logan's shoulder and Logan smiled before picking him up and placing him on the sofa. He then kissed his forehead and fell asleep leaning on his chest.

I then put on my new onsie and leaned into Logan. Virgil was smiling at me as he turned the T.V off and put a blanket over the three of us. I would've invited him over but the sleepiness was overpowering. The last thing I remember is him kissing me.

Virgil's POV

I kissed Patton and and started heading to my room.
It's Christmas eve and you're gonna spend it alone?!
What? I'd just end up keeping them up, you know I don't sleep anymore.
At least stay with them, I bet Patton would want you to.

I crept next to Patton and snuggled into him. I watched his chest rise and fall, his even breathing, his little smiles, his cute little snore.

Enjoy it while it lasts, Virgil.

My head shot up and I looked around, panicked.

You're not the smartest of the bunch, are you?

Oh, he was in my head. Patton stirred at my sudden movement and he looked up at me.
"Shh, go back to sleep. Christmas will come faster that way,"
He immediately closed his eyes and I tucked him in and kissed his head.

"Goodnight, Pattoncakes,"
"Night *yawn* Virge,"

Okay, short, late, terrible but Christmasy so you gotta love it, right? Next chapter is gonna go downhill, just a warner. Thank you for reading this chapter, I hope you enjoyed it and as always,

Peace Out Homesickles!

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