Chapter 5

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Yuki POV

I run down the street looking for any clue as to where my dad could be or any of his goons could be hiding. I'm about to pass a cross walk when a scream sounds from across the street. I whip my head towards the sound and see a Nomu flying close to the ground about to grab a little girl. My mind goes into over drive and I grab the little girl, move her behind me, and make wall of ice in front of us that the Nomu crashes into. A women in her mid 30's runs up to us embracing the little girl.

"Thank you, Miss!" I nod and they rush off in the other direction. I hear a screech and turn to see the Nomu coming towards me. I duck down and run in the opposite direction trying to get it away from the civilians. It follows after me and I speed up. I make a sharp turn and it crashes into the building next to me. I freeze it to the building and it screeches at me. I add another layer of ice just in case and I start climbing up the fire escape to get a better view. I reach the top of the building and try to see anything that could give me a hint about where my dad could be keeping the teachers. 

"Well isn't this a pleasant surprise" I whirl around and see Dabi standing behind me. I back up out of instinct and I trip over a discarded piece of wood. He laughs and walks up to me. "Lets go for a ride" He grabs my arm and forces me to my feet pulling me towards the edge of the building. He jumps off the edge and onto the Nomu I froze to the wall and we start heading towards beach. On the way her ties my wrist and my ankles together and I try to stop him but he is stringer and bigger then me so it does very little. He looks at me smiling. The Nomu stops a good distance away from the shore. Dabi grabs me again and I start to panic.

"I hope you can swim" He laughs and then shoves me over the edge and I go plunging into the water. The second my body hits the water my body seizes up from the cold. I thrash around not able to get the rope un-done from my wrist's or ankles. I feel my lungs start to burn and I instinctively open my mouth trying to get oxygen into my lungs but instead water invades my mouth. I try to force it out but all it does is make more water invade my mouth. I gag and start to see dark spots cloud my vision. Then something wraps around my waist and tugs me up out of the water. I hit the sand heavily and cough up water and take in great gasps of air into my lungs. Tokoyami rushes over to me Tsuy not to far behind him. They both get to work untying me.

"Thank you" I say when they get the knots undone. I cough again and spit salt water out of my mouth. "How did you find me?" I ask

"We were looking near the water hoping to find one of his goons when we saw that villain throw you off the Nomu with your hands and ankles tied. Tsuy immediately jumped into the water to get you while I tried to take the Nomu down but Unfortunately I wasn't able to." Tokoyami explains. I shiver from the cold and Tokoyami wraps his jacket around me and I thank him. Then I groan and hold my stomach.

"Yuki I know this isn't the best time to ask this but... have you told Deku yet?" Tsuy asks and I look down.

"Yuki I feel that you should tell him soon" Tokoyami says putting his hand on my shoulder. I sigh.

"It's not like I don't want to it's just that I'm scared to" I look down and shake my head. "Look we need to find our teachers and my dad or else they might not make it." I get to my feet and hand Tokoyami back his jacket. "Do you know where the others might be?" I ask. The shake there heads.

"Why?" Tsuy asks. I smile slightly.

"Because I know where my dad is"

Meanwhile with Deku...

"Hey Kacchan?" I ask the ash blond.

"What?" he responds not looking at me.

"Do you know why Yuki has been so tired lately?" Kacchan freezes. 'She still hasn't told him?!'  Bakugo thinks to him self. Kacchan turns to face me.

"Why would I know?" He says sternly. 'He knows something...' I think to myself looking at the back of his head. I grab Kacchan's wrist.

"You do know something" I say and Kacchan looks away. "Whats wrong with her? Is she sick? Is it her blood?" Kacchan growls.

"It's not my place to tell you have to wait for her to tell you" He say pulling his wrist from my grip. I'm about to say something when my phone pings and so does Kacchan's. I pull it out and see a text from Yuki.

'Go back to the wood behind the school. I know where my dad is' It reads. Me and Kacchan look at each other and we run towards the school. When we get there we see the others waiting. I see Yuki looking tired. I also notice that she is soaked to the bone. I rush over to her.

"What happened?" I ask worried. She laughs awkwardly and rubs the back of her head.

"I got dropped into the ocean with my hands and ankles tied" She says and I freeze feeling the blood drain out of my face. "But I'm completely fine now other then being a bit wet and Momo is making me some dry clothes right now." I breath out in relief but then remember what Kacchan told me. She is about to go over to Momo but I grab her wrist.

"Yuki there's something your not telling me" I say it as a statement not a question. "Your always tired and you get winded a lot more easily then normal. Whats going on?" She looks at the others.

"You need to tell him Yuki" Uraraka says and I look at her confused.

"Tell me what?" She looks down tears coming to her eye's. She sighs and looks at me tears running down her face.

"That I'm pregnant" She says. I freeze and stare at her. She starts shaking. "I-I'm sorry. I thought we were being careful but I was wrong" She starts shaking even more. "I'm so-" I hug her tightly not letting her finish. She freezes and I hold her that much tighter.

"Why are you saying sorry?" I ask her still not letting go.

"I-I thought you would be mad at me" She says quietly. I want to squeeze harder but I'm scared of hurting her and our baby.

"Why would I hate you?" I pull away tears in my eye's from how happy I am. 

"I thought you wouldn't want it" She says shaking. "I thought you would leave me"

"Yuki your insane!" I say laughing and wiping her eye's. "Of course I want the baby! I honestly didn't think it was possible to be this happy in my entire life." She sniffs and smiles. I hug her again and this time she hugs me back. I pull away from her and laugh more happy then I have ever been.

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