The After

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It has been two years now since my first heart break and man did I think I'd never get over it and I was scared to let anyone back in. And just as I was moving on guess you contacted me through my school email .. yep him and he wanted us to be friends and probably even more eventually but I was not going to fall for his games twice. After some emails back and fourth of me telling him he would not get me back and telling him how he made me feel was unacceptable the emails ended. I hear he is with someone new now. Then after a couple months I followed my best friend  and also crush from middle school  and on Instagram. We had not talked since middle school because his girlfriend at that time was my "friend" and did not want me to talk to him because she knew I liked him.  We reconnected and hit it off from the beginning and we talked about what happened and he had no clue I liked him back then but he liked me to. He drove 18+ hours to come visit me because my families car broke down in another state where my grandparents live. We have been dating a year now and if I were to tell my self back when my heart was broken that I would be this happy and in love I would not believe it one bit. I let someone in and with him it was easy and he was and is so sweet and genuine and has such a good heart. So ladies never give up on love because they are out there and one day when you aren't even looking you'll find them and maybe just maybe they were there all along!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2020 ⏰

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