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I have two words for you: school sucks. It' snack to school season, so I figure I would talk about hell, I mean school (we all know it is really hell in disguise). So, my first day back is on Monday, Today is Thursday and I have open house tonight, and I honestly don't know how to feel about that. I mean, I miss my friends and all, but I don't necessarily want to see other people. I'm sure a lot of you guys feel this way too. That's why I'm here. I'm gonna help ease any stress or worries you have about the back to school season.

1. I don't want to see anybody because I don't like them.

Honey, you and I both! But sometimes we just have to deal with the people that we don't like. There have been many times that I would've gladly pushed certain people off of Mount Everest, but thankfully I haven't so...yeah! Just keeps your head high and don't sweat the haters.

2. I'm not ready for the responsibility of school work,

Trust me, I don't think anybody is. School work is a big part of school (obviously), so you have to do it if you want to succeed. Just take each assignment as it comes and DON'T PROCRASTINATE. I know it sounds cheesy and you're probably thinking 'that's what everyone says' but it is the truth. If you procrastinate, you will never accomplish anything in life and you will never be organized.

3. I have a hard time with bullies.

Girl, or guy, stand yo ground. Bullies only pick on you if they know that hey are hurting you. If you show them that they don't get to you, they'll stop. I've never had trouble with bullies, but is know people who have. If you're being bullied, don't be afraid to tell a teacher or your parents. You're safety, mental and physical, is all that matters. Please don't be scared of being called a tattletale or something worse. Just do what is best for you and get help.

4. I'm stressed out about the standardized tests, and tests in general.

I think everyone gets stressed out about tests. It's human nature. Don't worry about standardized tests until they start getting close. As for normal tests, I have a few study tips for you:

A. Make flash cards and use them to study with. Write down only the important facts because if you right down all of the.

facts in your book, your stack of cards will be huge and you will get even more stress ( and stress triggers those awful

breakouts that everyone, including me, hates).

B. Don't procrastinate on studying. If you till he night before a test to study, you will stress out and lose sleep (what

teenager wants to lose sleep? Not me) Start your studying about a week before the test and take it slow. You'll do

great, I know you will.

C. Never cheat. It's a simple as that. Cheating never gets you anywhere in life (except suspended or expelled). It's better

to make a bad grade honestly than to get a good grade by cheating. Cheating shows that you have no morals or self

respect. Just do your work honestly and it will be a whole lot easier. Also, never cheat off anyone else's homework

either. You will most likely get caught and then where will you be? I can tell you where: detention/suspended/expelled

(depends on your school's rules about cheating)

5. I'm worried that nobody will like me or talk to me because I am new.

New school, new year, new you! The transition between elementary school to middle school and middle school to high school can be scary. Thankfully, I got accepted into a fine arts magnet school that goes from 6th-12th grade, so I don't have as many worries because I will be in the same building with mostly the same kids (we always get like 2-3 new people every year). But unfortunately, not everyone is lucky like I am and they have to go from a middle school to a different high school with all new people. It can be scary, I will admit. But you'll be fine! Make a few new friends, talk to people, get to know your teachers, and just have fun. School is only as fun as you make it, so try to make the best out of it.

I hope you enjoyed my little guide to school and I hope that it helped some of you! There are more guides to come every Thursday, so stay tuned for more help in various other areas. Love you all to the moon and back! -Kenzie

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2014 ⏰

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