Chapter THREE

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Emma's POV
(5 days later)
I haven't seen Ethan since the day after we went bowling. It's killing me and I can't do anything about it cause Ethan and Grayson have been super busy in meetings all day every day. They say it's for some super big project but they can't tell anyone.
James , the twins and I all text on the group chat like all the time. But Ethan and talk literally 24/7, and we face time every night.
We all are supposed to go meet up at the Ethan and graysons house tonight. James and I have hung out a lot this week but neither of us have seen the twins.
I check the time and I see it's 4:57. I start getting ready and I put on an over sized blue hoodie and some athletic shorts. I text the sister squad and say I'm gonna be there in 10 mins.
I get in the car and I have to take a minute to compose myself. I can't wait to see Ethan, I've missed him so much and it's only been 5 days. I start my car and I start driving. I'm soon at Ethan's and Graysons house.

Ethan's POV
I here the doorbell ring and I immediately jump up and go to answer it. I'm expecting Emma but it's just James. I figure I better tell James and Grayson what's going on with Emma and I. I quickly fill the in on last week and as soon as I'm finished the doorbell rings.
I jump off the couch and race to the door and open it. Emma!! I grab her into a hug and lift her off the ground. I set her down, after spinning around a couple times , and kiss her.
We break apart and Emma goes and says hi to James and Grayson. I here James laugh and whisper something into Emma's ear. She turns bright red and giggle a little. SO. FKN. DAMN. CUTE. We settle down on the couch; me inbetween Ethan and James, with Grayson sitting on the far side of James.

Emma's POV
James and Grayson FINALLY stop arguing over what to watch  and put on some movie. I'm not really paying attention to what ever movie they put on because all I can think about is Ethan's even though his arms are wrapped around me and I have my head nuzzled in between is head and collarbone. It's like it was made for my head, we fit together so well.
      After a little while James and Grayson decide to go get some food, they take our orders and leave. As soon as the door closes I look over at Ethan whose already staring at me. He looks into my eyes then to my eyes.
       He jumps up and pulls me towards his bed room. He shuts the door and just turns and looks at me while biteing his lip. GOD he looks so damn hot.  Suddenly he walks towards me and pushes me up against the wall. He's centimetres away from my face . "I can't take this anymore" I say and Ethan just grins at me before are lips finally touch.
      He throws me down on the bed, with him on top of me. Every time he kisses me I feel like  I'm gonna die if I don't get another one within the next second. I tug at his shirt and he stops and looks at me for a second. "Are you sure"
He takes of his shirt and so do I.
  (y'all know what happened next)

  James POV
Grayson and I walk into the house with the chick fill-e. There's nobody in the living room or in the kitchen. "Where are they" Grayson asked
   "Where do you think dumbass" I say looking towards Ethan's room. Grayson just smirks and sits down and starts on his burger, I do the same. Minutes later. Emma and Ethan appear from the hallway. Grayson and I raise our eyebrows at then and they both turn bright red.
   " we didn't even hear you guys come in" Emma says as she and Ethan shit down and start to eat. "Of course you guys didn't hear us, you were to busy getting your sister sexy on" Emma's mouth drops open wide and Ethan chokes on his food. Grayson and I just laugh.
    Emma quickly changes the subject and says we should go swimming  after we eat. I always bring me sister swimsuit, cause we always end up going swimming.

Ethan's POV
Everyone finishes the there food and goes to change, I have to wait because James is changing in my room and my swim shorts are in there.
     Finally everyone is ready and we head out to the pool, almost immediately my eyes are glued to Emma she always looks so damn good, especially when she's almost naked. We all jump in and splash around till we're all tired. Grayson gets out and goes and starts a fire in the fire pit.
    The rest of us get out and go bring some chairs around the fire. I grab a poolside lounge chair and Emma snuggled up to me. Grayson and James join and we sit in a comfortable silence. We put on some lowkey music after a while.
Right now everything is right in the word. I have my arms wrapped around my favourite girl in the world, while sitting around a fire with my other favourite people in the word. My twin brother and one of my best friends.

What did you guys think ???? Sorry the chapter was a little shorter then usual. Comment what you would like to see next in the book!!

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