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I'm sat on the couch, flipping through one of the books that luke had loaned me.

I wasn't really reading it,( though the interesting poems did inspire me too) it was more of reading what Luke had underlined or highlighted.

I was so interested in what he was thinking when he was reading things like this, especially when he seemed to be so influenced by the writer.

I desire the things that will destroy me in the end.

Is highlighted, and written next to it is 'Destruction isn't always a bad thing.' In Luke's sloppy handwriting.

I scan over some more, mainly focusing on what Luke has written.

I am terrified by this dark thing that sleeps in me.

Highlighted in pink, the sentance plays over in my head. Written next to it is, 'though it is terrifying, there is always someone worth fighting it for.'

I brush my hand over the pen, slightly smearing the lettering.

And for a second I wonder if I could be that someone, and I wonder if he could be fighting for me.

And then I remember that luke isn't depressed, and there isn't any darkness for him to be fighting.

But in a way, I feel like I am good for Luke.

He's not always having to worry about what he's going to do with his life, and if he's living it properly or not.

When I finish the book, I close it, taking in all of the things that luke had written, or highlighted.

At first, I planned on reading it again, trying to find anything that I could have missed, when I opened it to the last page. It was blank, all but one sentance written in the middle.

'I was supposed to be having the time of my life.'



This is short but I kinda like it because it gives you a peak into Luke's head and what he's thinking and ah I like that kinda stuff :p

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