Part I

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Well was as far back as I can remember growing up seemed like it was taking forever.
I remember asking my birth mother for food in what at that time was my English and the response has affected the rest of my life.....
So anyway her response was to throw me on the couch and make me go to sleep instead of giving me a bottle or maybe some crackers she put me on the couch and laid next to me with her back pushed towards me in a manner that made me panic and throw myself into tears. That was a day time could never heal. I am 28 years old now and life just isn't the same.
       I have been through my ups and downs and feel like there is not enough change in my life to satisfy my thirst for love and affection I went through what I thought where the best times of my life little did I know I would be put back into the same position years later. 
        They say time heals everything, but why does time take so dang long to do it's job? Why can't time satisfy our needs as much as we have to satisfy the world's?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2021 ⏰

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