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[Y/N]'S BLACK HEELS CLICKED against the floor as she made her way down the hall, towards Peters apartment. Her stomach was overflowing with butterflies as she walked. Her mind began second-guessing everything.

Doubt filled her mind, what if she wasn't 'satisfying'? What if her body was a turn-off?

She stopped walking and took a few deep breaths. This was Peter! He'd stuck with her through everything, he wasn't going to judge her, right? He'd seen her with braces and he'd seen her Dora The Explorer bowl cut and he still remained her friend.

Finally, she reached his apartment. She stared at the brass number stuck to the door as she caught her breath. Hesitantly, she raised her shakey hand and knocked.

"Coming!" She heard Peter's muffled voice call from inside.

The door opened and there stood Peter Parker, looking as handsome as ever. [Y/N] had definitely noticed puberty working hard on Peter.

Both their breathing intensified when they saw each other. This was actually happening...

"H-hey," [Y/N] smiled weakly at him.

"Hey, c-come in," He held the door open for her. He tried his best to stop his arms from shaking.

She followed him to his room. She couldn't help but smile at the fact that Peter, Mr-I-hate-cleaning actually cleaned his room — for her. She felt her heart swell but she quickly pushed the feeling aside.

"Looks good in here," She said with her back to him, admiring the room.

"Uh, thanks, y-you look g-great," He couldn't help but check her out. That dress was driving him insane. His mind created images of her without it on...

"Thanks," [Y/N] said without turning around because she could feel herself blushing. A compliment from Peter never usually made her blush. Well... to be fair, they'd never been in this situation together.

"I, uh b-bought condoms so you didn't have to..." He coughed as he tried to push the graphic images out of his head.

"G-good cause I didn't bring any..." She mumbled, thanking the gods that Peter was responsible. [Y/N] was not planning on letting Peter Parker knock her up.

"Yeah..." Peter scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, he had no idea how to start this up. Peter had never properly made out with a girl let alone done anything like this. [Y/N] had way more experience with the opposite sex than him.


"Do we s-start?" He asked her, nervously. Suddenly her dress looked way too tight and he had the urge to rip it right off of her body.

"Well that is why I came," She turned around and gave him smile.

They both sat down on his bed awkwardly. "If we aren't dating do we still kiss?" He asked her shyly, his cheeks felt like they were on fire.

"I guess, I mean t-that is a big part of it, right?" She responded nervously, she was just as inexperienced as he was. Sure, she'd made out with a couple of guys but when it came to sex, she was a noob.


They both stared at each other for a moment until [Y/N] leant in and kissed Peter, for some reason it surprised him but he kissed her back. The kiss was short but it definitely broke the ice and calmed a few nerves.

[Y/N] gently tugged at Peters shirt and he took the hint and removed it. [Y/N] forgot how to breathe for a second but quickly regained her composure.

[Y/N] couldn't help but frown when she noticed a bunch of faded bruises scattered around Peters body. Where the hell had these come from? She shook her head slightly, now wasn't the time to think about that.

Peters' cheeks turned a light shade of pink when noticed her staring. "Should I turn the light off o-or play music? There so candles in the—" [Y/N] couldn't help but laugh.

Before he could say anything else, [Y/N] kissed him again and this time she ended up on his lap with her legs wrapped around him messily. Peter had never been in a position like this with a girl so everything he was feeling was completely brand new. Everything felt even better than he'd imagined.

Peters arm wrapped around her lower waist, he was too afraid to go any lower.

"Are you gonna unzip my dress or not?" [Y/N] whispered into his ear, he felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up as her hot breathe trickled down his neck.

Peters' hand shook as he slowly unzipped her dress and slid it down so that she was just wearing her bra and underwear. He lifted her up and laid her down, she smirked at him from the bed as he climbed on top of her. Her hands wandered to his jeans zipper and she undid it. Her eyes sparkled as she noticed the bulge that was fighting for freedom.

Quickly, his pants were tossed away and both of them were left in just their underwear, Peter could not take his eyes off her. She pulled him down towards him and started kissing him again, after a few moments his broke the kiss and moved to her neck.

[Y/N] moaned as he sucked on her neck, "Peeeeter." Peter loved hearing her moan his name. He was sure that the sound would be forever stuck in his head — not that he was complaining.

Somehow her bra ended up on the floor, eventually so did her underwear. Peter kept sneaking glances at these new places — he was determined never to forget this moment.

[Y/N]'s hands travelled down Peters sides until she reached his underwear waistband, "Take them off already." And he did as he was told.

Peter felt nervous with [Y/N] staring at him. He had never been naked in front of a girl — except for his aunt but that was an accident. "Wow." He heard her whisper to herself, causing his thing to quiver ever so slightly.

"Are you ready?" Peter whispered, he couldn't make his voice any louder.

She smiled at him nervously, "Yeah, don't forget the condom!"

Peter had almost forgotten about the condom, not that he was going to admit that to her. He reached into his bag that was on the floor next to the bed and grabbed one out of the box. He struggled to open the plastic. "Here, give me it." [Y/N] sighed and took it off him.

She didn't give it back either, she reached for his cock and slid it on him. This took him by surprise. "Let's do this!" She said to him.

"Tell me if I hurt you,"

"You could never hurt me, Peter," She assured him.

He carefully positioned himself at her entrance and took a deep breath before entering her, slowly. Pleasure filled every inch of him. Slowly he started to move in and out of her, [Y/N] had her eyes shut tightly.

Yes, it hurt a lot but it also felt amazing and she didn't want him to stop. They didn't last ages which was expected as it was their first times. Peter flopped down next to [Y/N] tiredly.

"Well that was fun," Peter joked as he watched their chests rise and fall.

Y/N elbowed him. "Ouch, [Y/N]!"


EDITED 09/07/19
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