the beginning

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I glanced around the kitchen. Everyone was waiting for food. We ordered pizza.

Wait, you don't know who I am do you.

Hi, I'm Max, short for Maximum Ride. I'm fourteen."Everyone" is my flock, there's Maya, we're twins, Dylan, Maya's boyfriend, and also fourteen, there's Iggy, he's fourteen, Fang, he's fourteen, Nudge, eleven, Gasman, eight, and Angel, six. We're all bird-kids. We can fly. And we all live together in a big, E-shaped, house, a safe house. You know since we're hiding from evil scientists. Things'll make sense as we go, trust me. Now we do the story.

I glanced around the kitchen. Everyone was waiting for food. We ordered pizza.

Maya bumped my shoulder, "He's looking at you. Oh my God, so cute." My sister has become convinced Fang likes me, and I don't know why. Though Fang is honestly hot. I glanced up to find him looking in my direction, though he seemed to be more staring off into space than actually looking at me.

I gave Maya a look, "Weirdo," I hiss under my breath, as she smirks.

"You looked,"

I was saved from replying by him walking over. Maya began obnoxiously squealing, a strange one, that girl. He brushed his hair out of his face while asking when the food would be here.
"About ten minutes," I responded, glancing at my watch.

Nodding, he explained that, "Gazzy, has been talking my ear off for the past five minutes."

He goes to talk to, or listen to-he doesn't say much, Dylan.

I should probably describe everyone. We're all tall and skinny for our age.

Maya and I are identical twins, we have the same curlyish red-brown hair but hers is cut chin length with streaks of magenta. Mine, in contrast, is midway down my back and has blond highlights (Nudges idea, though I love it, so.) She has painted nails, no piercings, and is far more fashion conscious than me. I have a double piercing in both ears, and I don't paint my nails. We're probably at least half Latin American. We have dark brown wings with black and white primaries.

Dylan is the second tallest, and is the most muscular, he has dirty blond hair cut short and aqua-blue eyes. He also has a tan. His wings are blond with darker primaries.

Iggy has pale strawberry blond hair, pale, almost colorless blue eyes, and pale skin. He's an inch shorter than Dylan. He has light, ashy gray wings with reddish undertones. He's also the only one of us to be blind. Also he's a pyromaniac.

Fang is the tallest of us, he has tan skin, deep inky black eyes and black hair that is literally waist length, he typically leaves it down unless he's flying or eating. He also has black wings. Both hair and wings cast off a blue sheen. Also he only wears black.

Nudge is black. She likes to put colorful extensions in her hair. She and Maya do each other's hair, nails, and makeup. She's the most fashion conscious of us all. She has light tawny wings.

Gasman, or Gazzy, is Iggy's partner in crime. He has unruly blond hair and light blue eyes. He's also kinda pale. He's got almost gray-white wings. Also, there is a reason for his name and it ain't pretty.

Angel, just looks and angel. Also she's Gazzy's little sister.

I promise I'll stop doing this now. Fast forward to past pizza.

Nudge said we should all watch a movie and we settle on Disney's Hercules

"I love Meg, she's funny," Angel leaned over to whisper in my ear, this is her favorite movie. "She's my favorite."

"I like her, too, Ange."

After the movie we all went to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2018 ⏰

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