paulo impius.

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Dan was embarrassed. All he wanted was a professor of Hogwarts Witch Craft and Wizardry to join him on his potentially life threatening adventures all over the world, to maybe fall in love with him or whoever they wanted him to become, join the MOM or MACUSA to really find out what happened to his parents with their wellbeing taped to him with love, said he never loved them.. used them and then they would go back to their awful job at Hogwarts teaching whoever cares what. It was simple, he didn't come here all the way from America to be rejected, Dan got his way no matter what, but the person in front of him was having none of it.

"Absolutely not! Your mad if you think I would allow such a thing." And alright, maybe vocally he hadn't said any of that.. maybe he said that he had some unfinished business and needed a professional to handle it with him, but nobody knew the extent of Dumbledores magic, therefore he was transparent in front of him. Apparently, you can't say 'unfinished business' and have it not sound shady, the wise wizard hadn't a clue of what he really wanted. Dan rolled his eyes.

Dan opened his mouth to reason, "Daniel, the only reason why I am even taking time out of class to talk to you is because I know who you really are- the scandal that happening in New York-" Dumbledore had interrupted and struck a cord, two things Dan didn't like happening to him, sure after everything he has been through nothing really phases him anymore, it's all an act but at the man's words, Dan's stoic face fell. Dumbledore knew, of course he did, he isn't dense like most people in this ghastly universe but rightfully so the man decided he shouldn't comment on it.

Dan decided to interrupt him, as politely as he could, "Sir, with all due respect, technically I have absolutely nothing to do with what happened in New York last month. Sure, maybe some relatives were involved but they haven't heard from me since I disappeared from Ilvermorny in my last year, they think I'm dead." Dan was convincing, sure, his siblings knew he was alive. Every Christmas he sends them a untraceable letter from wherever he is just to let them know his existence is still a burden on the world, they never write back, because they can't track it, but he knows they get it every year.. he has eyes in New York.

Dumbledore knew about his disappearance, it was all over the Daily Prophet when he arrived in London and some how managed to hijack his was to Hogwarts, there he snuck up to Dumbledores Quarters and told him who he was and what he was doing there, he also threatened him but that's just his personality.

"I know who you have all around the world Dan, how can i be certain that you are going to use one of my qualified professors- that I actually have trouble hiring believe it or not- for good and not for all your silly shams. I don't know if I can't trust you." Then again, words hurt but words are nothing. To anyone else those words were probably a forbidden curse to the chest, many people have said that they couldn't trust him, and he as proved 90% of them wrong. If he can prove them wrong, he can prove Albus Dumbledore wrong.

Dan thinks for a moment. He reasons with himself, "How about, if I do use one of those professors for my silly shams- you, get to tell the whole wizarding world what actually happened to me, you can expose me, get Hogwarts on the front cover of the Daily Prophet for good this time around. And if I don't, well, secrets stay secret." Dan smirks, he's getting at him and he knows it. Nothing harmful will come to Dumbledore or Hogwarts by this so he's taking a chance.

The wise man shakes his head, "I don't do scams Dan."

"This is not a scam, let me tell you that, if my plan is a bit loopy we can have a meeting and discuss details but Sir, i am leaving for New York- aha, the chances- anyway, in about five hours so I could really be using that professor right about now." He's got him, first plan is successful. Dan grins to himself as the other man takes a moment to himself, probably weighing out the pro's and con's of the situation he has put him in but eventually he turns around.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2018 ⏰

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