Chapter 2

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We walk into this massive house.

"Whoa" I say looking around
You like it" cam asked
"Yeah" I said laughing and looking at him

There were 7 other guys coming down stairs

"Sup" a tall brown haired guy said
"Hey" I said smiling
"That's jack G and the blonde one is jack j, and thats Aaron, Matt, Carter, Shawn, Hayes and Nash" cameron said pointing to them
I looked up at him and he smiled
"I'll get it one day" I said looking at the guys.
"Anyway I'm Emily"
"Nice to meet you Emily" I think jack j said
"Thanks" I said smiling all happy.

"Wanna go see your room" Cameron asked me.
"Sure" we walked upstairs and he showed me who's room was who's . I was next to cams and across from G and J was next to G. Everyone else's room was on the second or 4th level.

When we walked in, the room was a good size.
"Whoa" I said and jumping in the bed back first.
"You like it" cam said
"Uhh yeah" I said laughing. "I'll go get your bags and you can unpack"
(Photo of her room above)

About a hour later a was done unpacking.
I went down stairs and all the guys were playing video games.
They were all screaming at each other or giving high fives to each other.
I was looking at the t.v wiredly.
"Wanna try" G asked me
"I've never played before" I said and they all looked shocked
"Well I think we have to teach you" cam said
He handed me the game controller and taught me how to play.

At the end I killed one person and got killed 48 times.
"Wow imma be strongly honest with you. Your not the best at this game" Nash said
"Yeah I know" I told him.
It was about 5:30 and we were all getting hungry.
"Let's go eat" Taylor whines and the rest of they guys agreed.
"Ok let's go" Cameron said and we all got up.
"I call Emily in my car" G yelled
"Ughh fine" cam said
So I guess I'm going with G.
We got in the car and G,J, Aaron, Hayes and carter went with us and they other with Cameron .
I sat in the front and G drove.
I put my phone on the aux and blast music

Once we were done eating we drove back home and i ran up in my room and locked my door. I heard G and J running up and pounding on my door.
"Emily let us in" G said
"No" I said laughing
"Emily open the door" Cameron said coming up "you changed our favorite song. Were gonna have problems"
I opened the door a little and they slammed it open. I ran onto my bed and jumped on Cameron's back. He flipped me onto the bed and punched me playfully. And G and J tickled me.
I was laughing so hard I couldn't breath.
That finally stoped and I fell to the ground laughing.
It was 8:00 so I got ready for bed. I took a shower, put my pajamas on and watched my face and brushed my teeth.

I got in bed and turned the t.v on. I played on my phone tell I got tired so I feel asleep.

Sorry this was a short chapter
Should she start school or be homeschooled?
Let me know!!
Bye ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2018 ⏰

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