- understanding unlovable -

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please don't hurt me-
a mother,
a child,
a friend,
a foe.

a breath,
taken, given,
ripped and thrown away-
to the air
to the wind.

injustice, cruelty,
we bow at the feet of murderers,
to the upstanding folks
we give applause- unknowing
of what goes on behind closed doors.

brutality, force,
we sing praises to the ears of the wicked,
to the model citizens
we present ovation- blissfully
ignorant of the duality of human nature.

and here
resides my question: do we
or do we forgo understanding
of the complex beings around us?

there's dirty money
passed in quiet power,
there's child's blood
spilled in quiet homes,

we listen to screams
not the whimpers,
not the groans,
not the muffled noise.

i live to understand
this unlovable world.
i live to find
a reason to love it.

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