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Hi, my name's Nina Rose Malik. I was born on August 11, 1996 and live in London, England. My mum, Perrie Edwards and my dad, Zayn Malik had me when they were young and have just recently decided on getting married. You may think that I'm lucky to be born into the fame, but it is far from what you would expect. I have no privacy what-so-ever and I am constantly judged on every move I make. The worst part is I can't tell if people like me because I'm me, or because I'm famous. You could say I have a hard time trusting people, but I have an even harder time falling in love. Dating is good for my image, according to my parents, but the boys I've dated in the past have never felt right and I've come to the conclusion that they never will. I don't believe in 'love at first sight' and I certainly do not belive in happy endings.

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