Chapter 2

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The best thing about having found a partner like Gemini was that he wasn't chatty. I preferred silence, conversation had never been my strong point. That hadn't always been the case, but after losing my family to something I thought only existed in myth it was natural that I became more somber.

I had been the delicate age of 13 when they'd been taken from me, and I'd bounced from foster home to foster home and once a mental institution because I insisted a monster had killed my parents and Changed my brother. They all thought I was crazy until I met a nice older couple who had believed me and introduced me to the life I currently led.

I'd been a Huntsman since I was 17 and after 8 years of searching I was still no closer to finding my brother. The nightmares and my constant dwelling kept the wounds fresh, leaving a still bleeding hole in my heart over their loss. But my job had hardened my heart and constantly prepared me for the day I'd pierce him with a silver bullet and end the curse he was never meant to carry.

"Bryn," a muffled voice sounded, when I gave no response there was a gruff noise followed again by a louder, "Bryn."

I had never been a morning person and my many sleepless nights often lead to me sleeping in as late as possible, blocking out the alarm Gemini often set in the hopes its annoying, blaring noise would eventually do the job. Usually once he began to call my name I woke up, but last night had been particularly difficult with more nightmares than usual and I was much too comfortable to bother moving.

Growing irritated finally, Gemini gave another grunt of irritation before nearly shouting, "Brynelle. Get up, damnit." Oops, guess it was time to get up after all.

When I groaned in response he took that as affirmation enough I was awake and stalked off. I could hear his boots clipping against the hardwood floor. Normally, Gemini moved like a shadow so the fact that I could hear him now was a testament to his bad mood.

With bleary eyes I glanced at the red numbers of the clock that sat on the nightstand. 11:30


Gemini adhered to a strict schedule that involved waking up at 6am every day no matter what. Obviously, my own views on that rule differed. However, what I didn't understand was why he'd let me sleep so late at all.

Feeling like a zombie, I forced myself into a sitting position as I rubbed my eyes. Gemini sat at the little table reading a newspaper as he waited, a styrofoam cup within reach full of, no doubt, coffee. There was a second cup sitting adjacent to it that I knew was mine and also knew was more than likely cold.

I grabbed some clothes from the bag at the foot of my bed and headed to the small bathroom. My movements were mechanical as I went through the motions of showering, brushing my teeth, and getting dressed. When I emerged from the bathroom Gemini shot me an impatient glance that said "let's go".

"Where're we headed?" I asked as I stuffed my dirty clothes in my bag and zipped it closed. As I slung the pack over my shoulder I turned to face my partner who'd grabbed the bags sitting on the table, he didn't answer immediately but he never did so I knew to wait.

We were already almost out the door when his bassy voice responded with, "Omaha. Looks like a nest is forming."


"Yes," he answered as he threw his bags in the back. I tossed mine in as well and we climbed into his truck. The silence descended immediately, but it wasn't uncomfortable despite knowing that he was irritated with me. He wouldn't be for long, he had firsthand experience with my night terrors and knew that I had trouble sleeping. He understood, but as a grown man it disgruntled him to break routine.

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