First Lament

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"Thanos was right," I sighed audibly so she can hear me.

"What do you mean?"

"These pictures. These are proof that human's greed overstepped boundaries, yet actions were empty even if decision has been taken to reduce the usage of plastic. Our planet is one step away of collapsing, like literally."

She looked at the pictures carefully, tracing her fingers on the monitor as if she could touch the texture of Seahorse. The seahorse hugging the pink worn cottonbud looks cute, but it was definitely a sign that the plastics are almost completely engulfing the sea.

"I think its cute," she smiled, then she added "however, it makes me wonder to what extent do human pursue self-interest? Ignorance runs deeper than blood that makes us truly human it seems."

I nodded my head.

When I took a look at the picture for the second time, the pink cottonbud truly felt like mocking the struggle of this cute sea creature.

We lived by the sea so we knew that the sea is getting sick by the second. In Ambon the plastics on the sea can cover almost half the coast of this island alone. Fisherman wasted their time fighting with plastic than catching fish. It was also the reason why fishes price skyrocekted in the last 4 years. Even chickens which usually brought from outside are comparably cheaper than fish now. It definitely was not so hard to imagining something worse than this happening around the world.

"Think your lament can change things?" She woke me up from my train of thought by hitting my arm lightly.

"No, it can't and at this point this lament is not meant to be prophetic word which seek tomorrow but tell today's sorrow. Also, this lament is a proof that I care."

"Do you dare, to do more than just care?" She knows where to hit other than my arm.

"I obviously dare. I use less plastics and chemicals than this whole place combined, that counted as a conribution, right?"

"You only want to use less budget in improving this place, right?"

"That also means using recycle bags and papers to help reduce pollution to the waters, airs, and, gorunds. Cutting the budget is a side benefit that we enjoy."

She smiled again. What was wrong with her? She attacked my pride like 1minute ago and this?

"So, I think that electricity also have to be cut to help the sea, don't you think?"

"Are you kidding me? What about my work? I'm not saving this files yet, hey, hey, wai-"

Lament of The Powerless | #PlanetOrPlasticWhere stories live. Discover now