Coffee-High Figure Sketch

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*Please take note that this is a baggy sweatshirt, and I did not completely horribly mess up the proportions or positioning of the arm. They ARE  actually supposed to be like that. And ignore the hands please thank you. Want the original picture? Just ask and I will repost with the photo. (AND FUCK WATTPAD LIKE ACTUALLY. PUT THE PHOTO THE RIGHT WAY YOU PIECE OF CRAP...)*

Not exactly what you probably thought it meant lmao. We went to Race track cause their hot chocolate is good. But nope! Of course I'm not gonna go for the thing I know is good, instead I will try something that I have no idea how it will taste or how to work the machine. Apparently they but some weird shit in their coffee, cause normally I wouldn't get affected by it. This time, oh boy, this time was completely a different story.

ONLY half an hour after I finish drinking this coffee, a few of my friends and I were playing a game, and both my hands were violently shaking and I felt as if I was gonna explode. Don't know if it was extra loaded on caffeine or something, but I was a second away from literally bouncing off the walls. So now, 4 hours later, I am a little less shaky, have done a drawing, and am still not even close to falling asleep at 2:40am. So yup, hi there, please make the suffering stop.🙃

Welp, gonna go think over my life choices until I maybe manage to fall asleep before the buttcrack of dawn appears. Peace!

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