Information Page!!

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•Ari Morgan
•Dr. Adam McCarthy
•Levi McCarthy
•Aaron James
•Loki Simmons

Information about Ari:
•Part of the Werewolf clan
•Loves to eat rabbit
•Has a crush on Loki
•Is female
•Has brown eyes
•Has brown hair

Information about Dr. Adam:
•Hates kids
•Works at the Morgue
•Works with the Seattle Police Department
•Is male
•Blue eyes
•Blond hair
Information about Levi McCarthy:
•Part of the Vampire clan
•Loves to drink blood (duh)
•Cleans a lot
•Is male
•Black hair
•Brown eyes

Information about Aaron James:
•Part of the Vampire clan
•Loves to also drink blood
•Has a crush on Levi
•Is male
•Green eyes
•Brown hair

Information about Loki Simmons
•Part of the Witch clan
•Loves to eat tacos
•Has a crush on Ari
•Is male
•Green eyes
•Black hair

Characters D.O.B:
Ari: August 20th, 1960 (8/20/60)
Dr. Adam: January 30th, 1952 (01/30/52)
Levi: May 15th, 1960 (05/15/60)
Aaron: October 31st, 1960 (10/31/60)
Loki: June 19th, 1960 (6/19/60)

Information about the author:
●Loves to read
●Likes to cook
●Is only 15 years old (maybe)
●Is bi (dates girls and boys)
●Is goth/punk/emo
●Lives in Texas
●Has divorced parents
●Is suicidal
●Hopes ypu enjoy this book, and forgives her for only updating anything on Saturday (probably)

Hope you guys enjoy this story! Happy (early or late) Halloween!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2018 ⏰

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