Under the Tides

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June 22, 2018- The day my ignorance perished. When I thought I was going to just surf for my competition which I was sure to win, my perspective of the ocean change from the disgusting site I witnessed.

--June 18 of 2015--

I stared outside the window of my boyfriend's truck as my mind began to wonder. My thoughts were racing fast as questions flew past my mind. My nerves shouldn't get the best of me.

A male voice broke my thoughts, " Amber, you ready for this competition?"

"Huh? Oh yeah, I have to be" I responded turning to face Lukas. He's eyes were a beautiful shade of green on the outer rim, while closer to the pupil, a hazelnut color.

"You're staring at me again" Lukas said as he looked back at me.

"I was I had your eyes, my eyes is just lame poop brown" I pouted as I turned back to look at the window.

"They aren't poop, your eyes are amber, like your name" he joked as I rolled my eyes. I turned on the radio and Sweet Creature began to play.

When the song ended, we arrived at Panama Beach. We began to make our way to the beach as I saw the sun reflecting on the surface with beauty. As Lukas and I began walking to the sign in booth, I saw someone litter their bottle onto the sand, making my eyes twitch. However, I didn't want my mind to get distracted by someone's laziness.

"Dear fellow participants participating in the surfing tournament, please sign in so that you are sure to participate tomorrow morning" an announcer announced. With that, I signed in and headed to the hotel to settle for the remainder of the day.

--Next Day--

The annoying alarm buzz going off from my iPhone caused me to shift on the bed, only to have me ending up on the floor with a loud thud.

"Ouch..." I groaned as I got up from the floor. It was 2 am in the morning and I woke this early to catch a sunrise. I got dressed and dragged Lukas out of the bed to come with me then heading out to the beach for a walk.

"Ugh, Sunshine why did you bring me with you?" Lukas groaned.

"Aw come on Lukas, you be -- Oh my God Lukas look" My eyes awoken and I began to felt deep remorse. This beautiful turtle in front of me dead with a bottle in its throat. The same bottle that I let sit on the ground for this creature to only choke to death. It was dead, and so were 2 other ones a few feet apart. We found one more smaller turtle only covered by plastic, still breathing yet it was immobilized. I immediately called an animal hospital I knew. I imagined the other hundred of animals going through this because of people's selfishness treating this earth like trash with other things facing the consequences.

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