Chapter 2: The Book

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We decided that since we have the first few chapters of this book already ready to be posted we were going to post every 2-3 days so we can give our readers a little more to grab on to and get invested in. Then after 5-6 chapters we will go to updating perhaps once a week. We want to give quality as well as quantity.

And on to the next chapter of Mundane to Magic...

I run towards the castle doors, having to take the long way because while I can pass right through people, inanimate objects like walls still pose problems. Without a doubt the King's guard was already at the riot which was going to make it easy to leave the castle for once, but getting out of the riot once I was back in my body...hard.

Quickly running through the guards I reach outside and skid to a halt as the hundreds of townsfolk storming the gates catch my eye. It wasn't very often that large groups of people tried to rebel. Sure, a few tiny groups had tried but they were no match for the King's guard.Most of them ended up dead, enslaved or worse.

"Magic to all! To hell with the King's word!" The rioters shout in unison as the gate pops open underneath their combined weight. I decide to take my chances and slip through the now open bars as people rush in. The stomping and shouting fades slightly as I make my way away from the castle. I wonder what happened to trigger this particular rebellion today.

It's not as if every day isn't terrible in some way. More rules and laws; more demands top off the list of already impossible ones in place.

I let out a groan as the bench hiding my body comes into view, now tipped over. Instead a large man, whose hair was stuck to his forehead with blood was lying dead right smack across me. Great. How the hell am I going to get him off of me? He probably weighs twice what I do and I can't do anything in astral form.

I really need to start leaving my body in safer places.

When I snap back in my body I'm confronted with the dead man's armpit. Splayed right across my nose. And I can truthfully say that I doubt this man had ever showered in his entire life.

"Shit!" I curse as I yank my arm out from underneath his head. My ribs are throbbing with all the weight that is on top of them. Pushing up with all my might does nothing to move the man. And the rioters yells seem to be coming back this way.

"You can't keep leaving your body around like this, brother. What am I supposed to tell mom happened to you if you die while projecting?" Grant pushes the man off of me with a grunt. Just as the chanting of the riot rounds the corner. "Quick, under the semi-truck."

We duck beneath, each hiding behind a different tire. My neck is stuck at an odd angle and I rub at it trying to get comfortable. There's not as much room down here as someone might think. We've all seen the movies that a sports car dries right underneath. Let me tell you from experience, impossible. Grant's gaze swings from the rioters to me. As glad I as I am for his help I'm not looking forward to this conversation. But I know from the look in his hazel eyes he won't let up until I tell him.

"What did you see?"

Grant is the only member of my family who actually knows about what I can do. He'd caught me doing it a few times and back then I wasn't quite as skilled at lying as I am now. He promised to not tell anyone else for a price. My cheeks feel warm as I remember having to sneak around this girl's slumber party to see if they talked about him. I still feel like a peeping tom, and I refuse to ever do it again no matter what he threatens.There was no mention of him,big surprise, but there was plenty of talk about things I'd rather not remember. My body lets out an involuntary shudder at the memory but I'm quickly brought out by the stomping right next to me.

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