Chapter 1

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Monica opened her eyes only to see two little eyes looking down at her. Ugh, the life of a mother. "May I help you?" she asked her five year old daughter whose cookie breath and stinky fingers consumed her face. She could tell that Aaliyah snuck in the kitchen this morning and helped herself to the peanut butter cookies on the counter. "Are you awake?" Aaliyah asked. "I don't know," Monica wiped the obvious cookie evidence from her daughter's mouth. "Mommy!" Aaliyah yelled. "Aaliyah!" Monica yelled back. "Mommy I have to go to school! You have to wake up," Aaliyah demanded. "Aaliyah Tashe, did you get into those cookies on the kitchen counter?" Monica asked. "No, um, I be back Mommy," Aaliyah ran out the bedroom. "I'm going to kill her!" Monica whispered as she got out of the bed. She looked over at the sleeping beauy formerly known as her husband. Knocked out and drooling all over the new pillow she bought him. She shook her head at her fourth child, "I'll deal with you later" She slipped into her old raggedy black slippers and stepped over three cans of beer that were on the floor. Monica let out a frustrated sigh and left her bedroom in search of a certain three inch high cookie thief. "Mom!" her oldest son DeAndre stopped her in the hallway. "What boy?" she knew what he was going to ask before the words left his mouth. "I missed my bu--"

"Sounds like a YOU problem," she brushed by her son. She already knew that he missed his school bus. He was always the first one to leave the house at 6.30 am. "You goin' do me like that?" he begged. Normally she would give in and take his lazy ass to school but this is becoming a habit and a routine that she had to put a stop to. "All day, every day," she made her way to Aaliyah's bedroom. "Your oldest child? You'd do me like that?" he followed her. "Yuuuup," Monica didn't hesitant to answer. "Your cutest child?" DeAndre rubbed the peach fuzz that was trying to make an appearance on his chin. "Hey! I'm the cutest!" Aaliyah peeked her head from under the bed. "Gotcha!" Monica pulled her daughter from under the bed. "Swear, Mom this will be the last time!" DeAndre gave her the biggest smile that he could muster. "MOM!! THE COOKIES ARE GONE!" her ten year old son Jordan yelled. "It wasn't me Mommy!" Aaliyah said. "Right, it's never you!" Monica pulled her daughter into the bathroom. "Brush your teeth and wipe your face," Monica made her way downstairs to the kitchen with her sixteen year old child hot on her heels. "You still following me?" Monica turned to look at him. He leaned forward to kiss her on the cheek. "Boy, don't touch me!" she continued her quest to find out how many cookies her daughter ate. "She ate all of them!" Jordan stomped his feet. "How old are you? I know you're not throwing a temper tantrum over some cookies?" Monica scolded her son. "But they were for Mya! What am I going to do now?" hw frowned. "We'll stop at the store and pick up more!" she couldn't believe she was helping her ten year old son impress a girl. "Oh yeeeah," Jordan smiled and ran out the kirchen. She turned and bumped into DeAndre who was smiling from ear to ear. "Get the hell out my face and get in the car!" she yelled. "Oh yeeeah," he mocked his little brother and left the kitchen. "This is a got damn mad house!" She noticed nine empty beer bottles on the counter and an empty bottle of Crown Royal. "Son... of.... a.... "



Denise tried to steady her hands as she poured the hot coffee into Michael's large travel mug. She was shaking uncontrollably and she tried to ignore the pain coming from her side. Last night was definitely a bad night and she didn't want to re-live it this morning. Especially not in front of her twins, that was the last thing they needed to see. "Stop it," she chastised herself. She put the coffee pot and mug on the counter. She rested her hands on the edge of the counter and closed her eyes, "Don't cry, don't cry!" Denise grabbed the bagels that emerged from the toaster. "Eggs, cheese, ham.... no, no. He doesn't like it in that order. Cheese, ham, eggs and more cheese!" She was losing her mind. She knew how Michael preferred his breakfast, why was she so forgetful this morning? She prepared his sandwich and wrapped it in saran wrap. Denise attempted to tackle the task of pouring his coffee. She made it just right! Just enough sugar, just enough cream, the precise amount of coffee tailored to Michael's preference. She didn't have enough time to make another one if she spilled it. She carefully grabbed the coffee pot and the mug once more. She smiled as she was able to pour the drink without spilling it. "Where's my breakfast?" his voice came in loud and with authority and it caused Denise to jump. She remained quiet when Michael's deep voice filled the kitchen. She made the mistake of speaking to him too early one morning and he was in a bad mood. She regetted it the second his fist made contact with her mouth. She she was always aware to remain silent in the mornings. She grabbed his sandwich and handed it to him. He ignored the sandwich being handed to him and picked up his mug to taste the coffee. "A little heavy on the sugar don't you think?" he looked at her with disgust in his eyes. She didn't understand, she used just the right amount of ---- SLAP!! The painful slap to her face was familiar, a little too familiar. She was used to them and they didn't hurt as much anymore. It was his punches that she could never get used to. She never understood what she did to make him so anger at times. But this time was different. Maybe she did add a lttle more sugar than normal, after all... she was shaking. But she --- SLAP! Michael threw his mug in the sink and grabbed her by her shirt. She instantly covered her face as he threw her up against the wall. "You trying to kill me?" he accused her. Please not now, please not now! She thought to herself. "Huh?" he yelled. ", no," if he was going to beat her again she wanted him to do it and get it over with. She had already endured his wrath last night and she had hoped that this morning would be peaceful. Just then they heard their five year old twins, Raven and Roni running down the stairs. Denise knew that they would be entering the kitchen in less than a minute. Please not now, she thought. "I'm not done with you!" he released her just as the girls entered the kitchen. "Daddy!" they squealed in unison. Denise forced a smile as Michael picked both the girls up and kissed them both. "Daddy has to go to work but I love y'all," he kissed them again. Denise couldn't remember the last time he said those words to her. He put the girls down and they sat at the table anxiously waiting their morning bowl of cereal. "Don't forget to kiss Mommy goodbye Daddy," Raven said. Michael walked over to Denise and leaned in for a kiss. Denise flinched and Michael frowned. It was natural reaction for her and she closed her eyes as he kissed her on the cheek. "We're going to finish this conversation later," he whispered in her ear. Denise held back tears for the sake of her daughters as her husband grabbed his sandwich and left the house. "Who's ready for breakfast?" she smiled for her girls. "ME!" they yelled. Denised pushed the thought of tonight out of her mind and focused on her daughters.


"Lisa, open the damn door!" Aaron banged on the door for the millionth time that morning. "Is that Daddy?" Nine year or Erin asked her mother. "Yup," Lisa ignored the constant banging on the door. "You're just now hearing that? How dumb are you?" Twelve year old Alex snapped at his little sister. "Shut up!" Erin replied. "Be nice to your sister and get your coat on!" Lisa demanded. "Mommy are you going to let him in?" Erin asked as she put on her coat. "No!" Lisa ushered her kids out the front door. As soon as they were outside Lisa slammed the front door shut causing it to lock automatically. "Lisa, can we talk please?" Aaron begged. "Hey Daddy," Erin gave her father a hug. "Hey baby girl," he kissed her on the forehead. Lisa turned to lock the deadbolt. "Are you coming to the parent/teacher conference on Friday?" Erin asked. "I'm going to try baby girl," he watched as his son walked to the car. "No hello, son?" Aaron asked Alex. "Nope," Alex thew his hood over his head and got in the car. "You turning my son against me now?" he asked Lisa. "NO bastard! YOU are turning your son against you!" Lisa snapped. "Get in the car Erin so that your mother and I can talk," Aaron told his daughter. "Okay Daddy," she walked to the car. "Lisa," Aaron grabbed her arm. Lisa looked down at her arm, "I know you didn't just touch me!" Aaron threw both his hands in the air, "I just want to talk."

"There's nothing to talk about! Get out of my way!" he was standing in her path to the car and she was already running late. "Why did you change the locks?" he asked calmly. "Why didn't you come home last night?" she crossed her arms waiting for yet another lie to come from his mouth. "I told you I was over my mother's house," he said. "And you expect me to believe that?" she tried to push him out of her way but he wouldn't budge. "Yes!" he responded with confidence. "Okay then let's call your mother!" Lisa pulled out her cell phone. "Don't do that. I don't want my Mom in the middle of this."

"Of course you don't lying ass bastard! Move ... out... my... way!!!"

"No, seriously she's sick and she's probably sleeping."

"Of course she is ... if you don't get the fu--"

"I'm serious baby. Please, why are you doing this to me?"

Lisa narrowed her eyes at the father of her children, her husband of fifteen years and she was tired of it all. All the lying, cheating, fighting females in the middle of the street and trying so desperately to hold on to her marriage. And for what? For him to keep cheating and lying. Last night was the last straw! She was done. "Where ever you were last night I'd suggest you take your lying, cheating ass back there!" Lisa gave him chance after chance and nothing changed. He claimed that he would never cheat again but then he always did. She would take him back only for him to do it again. Not anymore. She shoved him out of the way and walked over to her car. Aaron stood in front of her car and Lisa laughed. She got in her car and started the engine. "You sure you wanna play this game?" she yelled. "I'm not going to let you leave me!" Aaron pointed at her. Lisa put her seatbelt on and put the car in drive. "Mommy don't," Erin cried. "Five dollars say you won't," Alex smirked. Lisa slammed her foot on the gas pedal and Erin screamed. Aaron jumped out of the way just in time, "Crazy bitch!" Lisa put her hand out. Alex pulled five dollars out of his pocket and Erin turned to see if her father was okay. "That's my lunch money!" Alex said. "Sucks to be you. Never gamble.... especially against your mother!" She rammed the five in her bra and drove her kids to school. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2018 ⏰

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