Chapter 11

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Mal, Emma, and I all drove back to my house, followed by the boys. The house was dark when we pulled up, and only Paige's car was in the driveway. I opened the door quietly and saw Paige on the couch with a bowl of popcorn. 

"Where is everyone?" I asked, six people following me. 

"Finn had to go back to work for the rest of the week but he'll be home Friday night. Mom and Dad were at your game and then went to dinner to try and be normal," Paige said, not realizing there were so many people listening. 

I uncomfortably shifted my weight as Paige realized how many people were in the doorway. She sat up and awkwardly waved. I started walking towards the stairs and felt a hand on my back. It was Luke. He rubbed my back for a second and gave me a sympathetic smile. He was the only one here who knew, but no one else questioned what my sister had said. 

As Clay sat on my bed, he said, "How many days in one week can we all be in Quinn's room?" 

We all laughed and Thomas chimed in. 

"First time this week for me!" 

"Yeah, make sure to tell your mom thanks for covering for us the other day," Austin said. 

Thomas just nodded. Emma took my hair out of the high pony and fixed up some of the curls, making it look good down. After this, I went into my closet and got my Miller Lite shirt and a pair of skinny jeans. I took the clothes into my bathroom and changed real quick. Emma did the same, stealing a pair of my jeans. Malachi just changed into one of my sweaters and called it a day. The boys just laid around, chatting. 

When I sat down on my bed, I totally forgot about Luke's sweatshirt, which was hanging lazily on the chair near my bed. Of course right as I thought about it, Malachi found it. 

"Luke, isn't this your sweatshirt?" She asked, grabbing it. 

"Oh shit yeah. I must've forgot it the other day," He said nonchalantly. 

She tossed it to him and he balled it up. 

"Alright, are you guys ready?" I asked, moving toward my bedroom door. 

Everyone nodded and got up. Luke was the last person, so I stopped him before he left my room. 

"You WILL apologize to Jakob before you even think about having fun at this party," I said, pointing a finger at him. 

"Okay, okay!" He said, putting his hands up to surrender. 

His sweatshirt was folded over his arm and he handed it back to me. 

"Hide it better next time," Luke said, before giving me a quick kiss. 

I was frozen in place as he moved around me to head downstairs. I put the sweatshirt under my pillow and grabbed my coat before heading downstairs. 

"I'll be back later, probably with all of them so cover for me," I said to Paige. 

"Don't be a fucking idiot Quinn. I know that Setchell boy is bad news, and whatever is going on with this other one that was in your room the other morning seems sketchy. So please, just be smart about what you're doing," She lectured me before giving me a hug. 

The car ride over was filled with more jam sessions and laughs. I'm glad that even though Lexington lost the Regional Championship, they were still having fun. 

We pulled up and everyone got out immediately this time so I wouldn't climb through the sunroof. As we got out into the mushy snow, I saw Jakob walking across the yard with someone. My eyes focused and I noticed it was Jenna, and he was dragging her by the arm. I instantly ran over there and touched his arm. 

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