5) The Signs On A Road Trip

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Aries: The driver

Taurus: I'm boooorrrreeeeedddd

Gemini: *hitchhiking* SQUEEEE

Cancer: ...idiots. *starts knitting*

Leo: Aries, go this way and then turn right! No, I said RIGHT! Don't you know what RIGHT is? Didn't you go to PRESCHOOL?

Virgo: *reads 34057384795 books*

Libra: *takes 10 million selfies*

Scorpio: *has to go to the bathroom every 5 minutes*

Sagittarius: *has half their body out the window and is waving to everyone like a maniac*

Capricorn: Complainscompainscomplainscomplainscomplains-

Aquarius: *puts in earphones and doesn't take them out until it's over*

Pisces: *strapped to the top of the car* WEEEEE!!!!

This was definitely the most interesting chapter to make so far XD

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