The Capitol: Interviews

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When I stumble into breakfast the next morning, Maria and Mirakal are talking about the tribute interviews tonight. Mirakal is trying to come up with a suitable role for Maria. "Well, dear," she says "You're very talented with axes and tridents! Maybe you could play fierce and brave." Maria shakes her head. "I want to do something that's not been used too much." I pull up a chair next to Maria and sit down. An Avox girl of about sixteen placed a plate of food in front of me. "Thank you," I say, looking her in the eye. Mirakal shrieks, dropping the teacup she was holding. "Max! what has gotten into you? You're not to talk to an Avox unless it's to give a command!" The avox takes a broom leaning against a wall and begins to sweep the teacup shards off the floor. Mirakal doesn't even bother to look at the young avox. I feel the heat rising in my chest. I am mad at the capitol for enslaving this girl. I am mad at the capitol for murdering children. I am mad at the capitol for ruining people's lives. So I stand up suddenly, sending my plate crashing to the floor. The avox looks horrified and rushes out of the room to find something to clean it up. Then I begin to yell.

"What is wrong with you, treating humans like slaves, murdering children for entertainment. All of it is SICK. Every last bit. You capitol citizens are sociopaths. No empathy for how you are making people feel. All of it is about you!" Mirakal looks horrified at my disrespect for the capitol. Good. she should be. What they're doing is wrong. "Max I-" she begins, but I cut her off. "No! the districts are starving. People are dying because of your neglect. How do you think we feel, going to fight to the death in an arena? Happy? 'Cause we're not. I'm SICK of you treating people like this!" I storm out of the room, fuming with anger, slamming the door to the dining room closed behind me. I look up to see the avox girl. She smiles at me in a silent thank you. "I'm so sorry. You don't deserve this life. What they've done to you is wrong." I say softly. She nods, then goes back into the dining room to clean up the mess. Through the gap in the door, I see that Maria is smirking smugly at an unconscious Mirakal. She's fainted and is laying on the floor. Maria tips her plate of eggs onto Mirakal's face, then struts out of the room. In the hallway, Maria whispers to me "Let's go to the roof. there aren't any cameras up there. No one to overhear." We take the elevator up to the roof. When we get there, she says. "That was brave. I doubt anyone's done that before." Yep. it was probably a first. "Thanks," I say. "Mirakal should wear scrambled eggs more often. She looks good in them." Maria smirks at me. "don't tell her that, or she'll buy a dress made out of them." she says. "The Capitol will do anything if they think it will make people compliment them." I glare down at the streets where people walk about looking like rare species of tropical birds. "Even murder kids."


"Okay, so we need to find you an angle to play up. You're not very memorable, so you'll have to do something spectacular." Two hours stuck in a room with Finnick Odair. Some people's dream, my worst nightmare. Arrogant, bossy, stupid, annoying Finnick. "I'm just going to be me for my interview. I don't want to be someone else." I say after we discuss different angles for half an hour. Finnick smirks. "Have it your way. Just saying, you might get more sponsors if you do something unpredictable" A light goes off in my head. Unpredictable... I think. Okay, Finnick. I'll give you something unpredictable. It might not get me sponsors, but it'll be worth it. For the districts. But for now, I play along, going with Finnick's suggestions and practicing the interview questions with him. When it's lunchtime, I thank Finnick and leave, smug with the idea swirling in my head. I fill my plate with the delicacies of the capitol and sit at the table. A few minutes later, Maria burst into the room, exploding with anger. "Stupid woman" she mutters "High heels, dresses, good manners, good posture. I'm going insane." She grabs a plate from a nearby avox and snaps "Get out of my way!" He bows apologetically and exits the room. I start to criticize Maria on her behavior towards the avox but she screams. "Save it, Max." Uh-oh. I'm in for a rough few hours with Mirakal.

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