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Peters POV
I walk into the house go to my room and start listening to Hollywood undead *three hours later * "Peter we're home " my pops says waking into my room "ok " " are you hungry " "yes" "what do you want to eat?"
"Food" " Okay..what kind of food "
"Good food " I say looking at him because it's funny when he gets upset " Okay mr smarty pants make your own food " he says walking to the living room I knew he would do that " what did you do to make him upset " my dad says walking by my room " I don't know you ask him" I say shutting my door

Tony's POV
" what did Peter  do to make you upset "
I say siting and wrapping my arms around my husband "he was being a smart aleck "
"You mean smart ass "
" no Tony I mean smart aleck and watch your language "
I laughed "oh your going back to doing that again " " No I'm not I don't know what your talking about " he says crossing his arms "yes you do " " no. I.dont. " " sure you don't " I say kissing him on the cheek

Peter. POV :
I come out of my room to get a bag of chips and Dr Pepper then go back in my room again all without being noticed by my dads I'm glad they didn't see me or my dad Would have made me apologize.

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