Expeditious Inaugerations

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Are you confused as to what all those big words in the title mean? If so, good! That's exactly what I wanted. If you already know what those words mean, then...wow. You are incredibly smart.

For those of you who are too lazy to Google what those words mean, I'll tell you. Since this is my first entry of the book, I've decided to make this just a quick little introduction. Thus, the meaning of the fancy title.

After making three books, I am determined to make this one the last. Sure, it might go through some major editing at some point, but other than that, I am mentally vowing to not delete this book.

So, a few things that will be in this book:
- life updates
- my terrible sketches
- rants (ranging from a major plot twist in a book to why this world is a complete disaster)
- memes
- book/anime/music reviews
...and probably much more.

I plan to update on a regular basis, but things change. So, if I haven't posted anything in a few days, bear with me; you never know what's going on in my screwed up life. However, I'm going to do my best to update on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and at least once during the weekend.

At the top of each entry in the media section thingy, I'll usually put a song that I'm currently obsessed with, or just a song that describes my current mood. It all depends.

One final thing to close out the chapter: I would greatly appreciate if you all would leave comments on certain things, specifically things you find funny or interesting, or if I were to just ask you all a question. To me, comments are more helpful than votes. But vote on entries too, specifically ones that you really enjoyed. Feedback really helps me out as a wannabe writer, and I'm sure some of you out there would agree.

That about wraps things up! Sorry if this was a bit boring. Trust me, the rest of the book won't be like this at all. I hope you enjoyed, and I wish you a happy reading!

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