Chapter 2

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I woke up the next morning to Sidney's alarm clock blaring. I groaned and rolled over, hitting the 'stop' button. Sidney laid beside me, still asleep. I never understood how she ever made it to school on time.

"Sid, wake up." I said, shaking her slightly. She groaned and hit me with her pillow. "Sid!" I exclaimed and she laughed lightly as she sat up, rubbing her eyes.

"You need clothes?" Sid asked and I nodded. She trudged over to her closet and threw it open. "Knock yourself out." She laughed and walked into the bathroom. I grabbed a pair of skinny jeans, a sweatshirt, and my black converse, putting my hair in a ponytail. Sid came out of the bathroom seconds later, putting on her favorite ripped jeans, a pink shirt, and her white converse.

"You have 10 minutes, guys!" Sidney's dad yelled up the stairs. Sid and I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen. There was a plate of pancakes sitting on the counter, which Sid and I dug in to. "Andy, you have two minutes to get down here if you plan on eating!" Mr. Mathews yelled again. A few seconds later, Andy came bounding down the stairs.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm coming." Andy said, walking into the kitchen and grabbing a pancake, taking a bite out of it. He dipped it in my pancake syrup and I smacked him on his arm, causing him to stick his tongue out at me. "Let's go." He said, ruffling Sid's hair as he walked past. Sidney and I jumped up, following him out the door. Sidney gave her dad a hug before she walked out the door. Andy jumped in the driver's seat, Sidney in the passenger's seat, and I slid in the backseat of Andy's truck. Sidney and I usually had Andy drive us to school because it was easier. I also kind of suck at driving, even though I passed my driver's test.

"Are we picking up Cam?" Sidney asked as Andy sped away from the house.

"Yep." Andy answered as we pulled onto Cameron's street only moments later. Cameron came running from the front door and barreled into Andy's backseat, hitting me with his backpack.

"What the hell?!" Andy exclaimed as Cam situated in his seat.

"Lydia's gonna kill me!" He said, leaning his head against the seat. We all waited for him to give us an explanation. He raised his head back up and sighed. "I may have accidentally used her toothbrush.." he trailed off. Lydia is Cam's older sister and she is very over-dramatic.

"Ew, man, you used her toothbrush?" Andy asked, disgusted.

"I didn't mean too! I was still halfway asleep!" Cameron argued. I don't see what Sid sees in him, sometimes he's a complete airhead. "I didn't even get the toothbrush in my mouth before she came in and yelled at me." He sighed. I tried to keep myself together, but I couldn't and I starting laughing. "It's not funny!" Cameron said, but then started to laugh along with me, as did Sid and Andy. We pulled into the high school parking lot and got out of the car.

"Alright, I'll see you guys after school." Andy said to me and Sidney. Sidney started to walk towards the side entrance of the school, where our lockers were at. "Bye, Brinley." He winked and turned to walk the other direction. I walked around the building and through the door.

"Do you think we can pass that algebra test?" I asked her as I twisted the lock on my locker.

"No!" She huffed and grabbed her English book out of her locker just as I was closing mine. "Algebra is going to be the death of me!" She shut her locker and turned to me. "I didn't even have enough time to study." She pouted and I laughed.

"You had just as much time as everyone else, Sid! You just have a very small patience span." She just shrugged and walked into our algebra classroom, sitting in her usual seat just as the warning bell rang.

"Good morning, class." Ms. Campton said as she walked towards the board. Ms. Campton is the youngest teacher at Middleton High, making her the most popular. Except for the fact that everyone hates Algebra. She's also one of the only teachers in our school that is known to get off-track, which also qualifies her as one of my favorites. "Are you guys ready for this test?" She asked excitedly, earning a few groans of protest from the class.

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