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*Bruno's POV*

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock's ear-peircing screech. I rolled over, slammed my fist down onto the snooze button, and sat up hastily. It was only six thirty in the morning, I'd only gotten six hours of sleep. I rubbed my eyes and glanced sound the dark room, my eyes landing on the flashing green LED light of my cell phone.

Groggily, I made my way across the room and to my nightstand. The light of the fully-lit screen caused me to have to squint in order to make any sense of the words on my lockscreen.

Three missed calls - Young Philip

Who in the hell calls someone at six in the morning? I dialed his number, and after about two rings, his friendly voice filled my ears.

"Hey, Bruno!" Phil cheered.

"What are calling me this early for?"

"I just wanted to ask you I'd you'd do me a favor," he reasoned. Oh, great.

"This better be good."

Phil hesitated to answer, which never means anything good. "Well, I mean, it isn't necessarily bad."

"What is it? You want Chinese food or something?" I asked. He had a reputation for asking me to pick up Chinese food before hitting the studio. His silence made me impatiently huff, "Phil!"

"I need you to go to Mike's wedding," he stuttered. I waited for him to say gotcha! or you really believed me? or something along those lines because, if I remember correctly, Mike's wedding is tonight. But I didn't hear another peep; Phil awaited my answer eagerly.

"You're out of your fucking mind."

I heard Phil's breath let out fiercely from the other end. "Bruno, please? I need you to go."

I raked my hair back. "I thought you weren't going to that wedding! What happened to, 'Mike is an asshole.'?"

"I- I know I said some shit, but Mike is technically family, and I can't miss his wedding, Man. That's a big fucking deal," Phil shot back instantly. I felt guilt shudder through my chest, but there was no way in hell he was going to some wedding on such short notice.

"Why do I have to go, then? Why can't you just go with Urbana?"

"She is going. But Mike's soon-to-be wife is a huge fan of you. I thought you could do yourself a favor by going out anyway," Phil shot.

"What's that supposed to mean? I go out all the time," I countered. He laughed. "What?"

"I know you go out all the time. What I meant was, why can't you go somewhere besides a titty bar? Meet someone nice for once, Bruno. One who can treat you right. One who you can treat right."

"You sound like my Mom," I groaned.

"I'm serious, Dude, " Phil spoke with an all-too-serious aura. "You're twenty-six and women aren't always gonna be lined up outside you door. Maybe it's time you settle down, ya know?"

"No, I don't," I declared.

"Why not?"

I sighed. "Because maybe I don't want to settle down, okay? Maybe I don't want just one women for the rest of my life, Phil." By this time, I was pacing the hall nervously.

"You used to want that. Settling down was your biggest dream at one point, Bruno. Remember? Right up until Natalie, then you changed."

My heart dropped at the mention of her name. The name of the the woman who single-handedly wrecked my heart. The woman I fell in love with just to be toyed with and smashed. The woman I loathed with every bone in my body. "Don't talk about her."

"But I need to. I also need to tell you about how much of an asshole you've become," Phil stated.

"Excuse me?" I gasped.

"Yeah, I said it. I said what everyone else has been thinking for weeks. All you do is sleep with women. You don't even show up for our studio sessions anymore, Bruno. And you don't even answer you Mom's calls half the time. You're an asshole. A stuck-up asshole."

My jaw dropped. I must've stood there by the door for what seemed like decades with my mouth hanging open in disbelief. "Forget about the fucking wedding, you prick."


The rest of the day went by slowly. After I cooled of from my conversation with Phil, I was constantly debating on wether or not to call him back, apologize, and tell him he was right about what he said. But I couldn't do that.

What really hurt about what he said was the undeniably painful truth. I never saw myself as an asshole, really. I just always thought guys of my age and fortune did this shit on the daily, never did it occur to me that I might be a "player." I guess I was, though. I felt so bad about all those times I ignored Mom's calls, Presley's texts, and of the such. I especially regretted blowing off my mom when she called me. She was only worried. All moms are overly-worried about their kids, right? I never thought that hey, maybe she gets so worried because she has a reason to. I decided to call her and apologize.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

"Hello?" she asked sweetly.

"Hey, Mom."

"Bruno? What do you want at eight in the morning?" she asks in a shocked tone.

"It's nine over here, Ma," I chuckle.

"Yeah, yeah. What is it?"

"I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry," I sighed sheepishly.

"You're what?" she gasps. Her sudden skepticism surprises me.

"I'm sorry."

I heard a muffled sound from the other line after about five seconds. I cocked my head at the strange, yet familiar, noise. "Mom, are you crying?"

"I just can't believe you apologized to me," she cheered.

I smiled sadly, "Is it that much of a surprise? Really? I was that much of an ass?"

"Yes." I rolled my eyes. "And I say that because I love you, Bruno. But are you really sorry?"

"I am. I'm sorry for it all. The shit I did, the shit I said . . . it wasn't me." I heard another whimper of relief. "I'm gonna change."

"What made you change your ways all of a sudden?"

"Phil went-off on my chubby ass," I laughed. She laughed too, and it made my heart warm-up. I missed her laugh. All I've been hearing from her lately were disappointed scowls.

"I'm glad he did so," she says happily.

"I am, too. By the way, what has Mama been up to?" I asked curiously. Mama was my grandmother. She wasn't doing too well when I saw her last.


I have about thirty chapters of this written all ready, I just gotta limit myself on posting. I wanted to post it all at once, but I'm so eager to hear what y'all have to say! any corrections or if you find anything confusing, feel free to confront me about it! ~jess.

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