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I try to be nice, but all I get is hate and pity. My friends? Sure they can be kind but there are times when we don't get along, I mean most groups do fall out but when it's my group it's a full out war. Words are our weapons and they bleed the happiness and hope out of us that thinks that we can still be friends. Kindness is what I use as my weapon, but most of the time it is useless until the final strike and then we are friends again. It is a endless cycle that never stops, but this time I think I've finished it. I picked up a weapon that was not kindness and shot a friend with it. I do not regret it because she used her weapon on me first but I do think that I went to far. I kept shooting and I didn't stop until her body was on the floor. I think I've lost a friend because I couldn't stop myself from bringing out a weapon I have never used before. My group probably hates me and I won't be able to sit with them again. It's for the best I guess, because I'm sure they are better of without me. I'm just a no one and I know that I will be thinking differently tomorrow, but my heart will always know the truth even when I denied it. It's hard to stay nice when all you want to do is get revenge on the people that hurt you, but I'll keep trying because I know that someday they will need my help and I'll be able to help them. I know this it is weird to say that I would help them but at least then I would get at least a "thank you" for helping them and I will be appreciated by them for at least a minute before I'm useless again. So yeah I have friends but I don't know if I am classified as a friend in there books. I'll just keep myself occupied with keeping my weapon of kindness clean and never use the other weapon again because I know what it leads to. I don't understand how people can use their weapons and not be completely taken out the group like I have, I just hope that if I keep using kindness they will let me back. I don't want to be a outsider but if I'm out the group forever, then so be it.

If anyone is reading this, Sorry for bad punctuation and not being able to spell.

If my group finds this then I'm sorry for the things I've done, I didn't mean to hurt you guys.

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